Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The First Photos are In

I know you all have been waiting with baited breath to see my first photos with the new camera. Trust me, I've been waiting too. So here you go, the first picture.

Drum roll please...


BFF Nickey's (that's a code name for Laura) daughter Jenna left this on my coffee table for me to come home to (though her mother might have had something to do with it too). The man is - um - Naked Prince. Don't ask. The woman? Well that's Ariel of course from Little Mermaid.


Ken La Salle said...

Ah! What better to start shooting than DISNEY PORN!!!!

Scribbler said...

There is nothing you can say that doesn't leave a disturbing thought about this picture.

So, I won't say anything.

Nicki said...

Um. Okaaaay.

I used to have a link to lego porn. I'm not googling it at work to find it for you, though.


Lesley said...

Wow, last time I watched the Little Mermaid, the prince wore clothes, but this version looks much more interesting. Impressive camera work! :)

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you. It is like you are my star pupil and have created your first master piece.

Little advice. Watch the cropping on her fins and maybe try a faster fstop to put the background out of focus.