Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Dork by any other name is still a Dork

Yes, my lovelies, I'm a dork. As SLSIL and Mom can now attest to.

See here's the deal, my 20 year class reunion is coming up in in September. I have been watching air fairs closely to get the best deal. I finally found one that I felt were sound. I purchased my ticket. And I was on my way.

Today I went to the Yahoo group to check out the hotel rates only to discover I purchased my ticket for the wrong week. DOH! Quick phone call to mom to have her stop with the purchase of their tickets. Just in time. Good god...I'm so glad I noticed it now.

So now, with the right week, bought new tickets and had to pay slightly more. I'm a bonehead with a capital B. But I'm on my way again.

Now, on to more exciting information.

I get to go to the UK!
I get to go to the UK!
I get to go to the UK!
I get to go to the UK!
I get to go to the UK!
I get to go to the UK!

Yes sir. As it turns out, there's a small business reason for me to head over for work. The thought of going over had all but diminished from my mind. And now, a work reason. Yay! I will be heading off the second week of July it appears. Thank god I got my new camera.


Scribbler said...

I'll be in Somerset w/c MOnday 9th July - when are you over, I'll pop into the office!


Al & Jo said...

DORK! I am still laughing...maybe Bev and I will go on ahead just so we can meet you at the airport and GUIDE you to the hotel...it seems you may need some guidance! As for the UK...now I am worried. How will you get there by yourself??? Will you get the right date?????

Melissa said...

I think you were just looking for a two week trip :-)