Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's in Georgia folks...

Actually, it has left Georgia folks. Or it had better have already left Georgia.

For quite possibly the first time EVER in my life, I actually saved enough cash, not credit, to buy something. I've been waiting and watching a new digital camera. See, I used to be into photography, a lot. And was mildly good at it. I loved it. I loved being able to express myself in different ways and not caring one bit what everyone else thought of my photography. My boyfriend at the time and I would take pictures ALL The time. It was our one thing we did together...we learned from each other.

Then....the great break up of 2001 and then again in 2002 (yes I dated him twice...I'm slow you see and didn't see the reality until another year later). Anyhow, I put my camera away. I didn't want to see it, use it, or do anything with it. I was done. Burnt out if you will, and didn't want the reminder of better days taking pictures with someone. Of course, I completely forgot about all the years I took pictures by myself and loved it. But again, I'm slow.

So now, some 5 years later, I'm finally getting the itch. I've had the itch for some time, but didn't want to use credit to buy me a new digital SLR camera. Then the unthinkable happened, I grew up. I decided to try to save my $$ and only then would I allow myself to buy the camera (mom, don't tell dad - remember how pissed he got when I bought the Mustang).

I placed the order on Monday, they shipped it on Monday. And I've been tracking it's progress sense. I tried to put a photo of the progress on the blog, but it looked silly (shut it about things normally looking silly).

So as they say in the UK, "Watch this space" for some photos. I'm no pro, and frankly question my ability at times, but I do love to try to take snazzy photos. Here's a sample of a few I've taken in my life that I'm very proud of.


Lesley said...

Those are some very nice photos! Those digital Rebels are great cameras, so I think this is a great thing to treat yourself to. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures you take with it!

Nicki said...

I got that way about Classical Music after a breakup.

And your pics are awesome. Can you teach me sometime? Please?

Unknown said...

I love my Digital Rebel XT and would love to have the XTi - built in sensor cleaner and larger lcd panel on the back.

I do strongly suggest that you also save up a couple of dollars and purchase Adobe's Lightroom software. It cost about 300 but if you shot RAW you have so much more control and get such better quality.

Mac users should consider Apple's Aperture as opposed to lightroom.

The other important thing to me are quality lenses, if you got the kit lens also I would suggest saving up for a couple of faster lenses.

BTW I like the pics you posted.
Perhaps when you get your camera you should start a photo blog.

Al & Jo said...

Oh boy...we are back in business! THis means you are finally coming back to normal (or, what ever normal is for you)...

Great Pictures as usual. And I won't tell Dad --- there are some things left better unsaid these days. :(

Scribbler said...

Nice pictures, Jenn. For years I used slide film, and finally took the digital plunge last year. My wife now uses the camera! So, maybe I need to buy another - for me. You've got me all enthusiastic!

Jenn from WA said...

Lesley - Your wish is my I get good photos I promise to post.

FM - Hmmm can I teach you anything? 99% of what I do is on accident, so probaly not.

Real - Seeing some of your photos slightly motivated me to get back into it. I was reminded how much I enjoyed taking pictures. And I'd love to get that XTi...and debated on it for a milisecond. Good call on the Adobe...I'll probaby do just that. I went with the cannon primarily because I have all the lenses from my other SLR and can use them with this one. So I'm good in the lense category...though I do want/need a better macro lense.

Mom - You just want me to make $$ with my photography so I can take care of you in your old age...

RAbbit - I say go buy a new camera.

Unknown said...

Just remember that the digital cameras have a magnification factor so all of your slr lenses are going to be longer. You will probably be very well covered on the long end but you may want a nice 17mm or widder lens soon.