Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Things I've Learned This Week

1. One shouldn't yell at some jackass on the road, if one's windows happen to be down.
2. Neutregena skin darkener - tanner doo hicky thing, doesn't leave a great tan on the legs, but does leave your cuticles orange.

3. Wearing a brown shirt in order to camouflage coffee driblidge doesn't always work.

4. Its been exactly one month since I've had a good hair day.

5. Brushing your teeth at the office almost certainly guarantees you'll drible toothpaste on your shirt.

6. Pookie had the munchies last night. It could have had something to do with the LOVE he has for spray on catnip. It is possible, I believe, to OD on catnip.

7. Changing the names to protect the stupid in one's office, could be disastrous if one should forget the stupid one's real name in a conversation and use the "code" name.

8. For a kickass project manager, I've really questioned my profession this week.

9. Project schedules suck when you have players in the UK, Colombia, India, Spain and the US.

10. Vacations always cost more when you're paying versus your parents.

11. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to being a teenager.

12. A bigger, faster, more impressive Mustang WILL beat me off the line.

13. Blueberry will never EVER be able to tell a simple story without including all the unnecessary details.

14. "Architected" (as in having an architect look at or work on) is apparently a word.

15. "Email Bankruptcy" is my new method of controlling my inbox. When you are so inundated with email, both genuine email and spam, that you have to delete everything and start over again. "I am so far behind on email that I am declaring email bankruptcy this year."

16. I've learned a lot this week. No wonder my head hurts. And it's only Wednesday.

17. Stupid people should not: breed, get driver's licenses, talk, work with me or in any way shape or form be around me when I'm having a bad day. I'm just saying.


Nicki said...

Wow, you've had a busy and enlightening week. Try saying 'edited it' fast. Can't do it, can you?

And now I don't feel so bad about not getting email. I was beginning to think you don't like me. *sobs*

Al & Jo said...

Oh oh--- sounds like trouble's brewing. I especially liked #10