Friday, June 22, 2007

A Must Have

I think I need to kill one of the technology guru here ( I need to come up with a code name for him and haven't quite yet figured on out). He just pointed this out to me.
I do love my iPod though, I'm not sure I'm quite ready to go to the dark side...but IT'S PINK. It would match my phone and any number of my purses, and that is, after all what's important here.
I mean really...a PINK one...iPod doesn't have a Pink one! Though I suppose I could find a pink iPod cover for like 1/100th of the cost of a Pink Zune.
But's beautiful.
And since I just bought my new camera (which is in Portland just a simple 3 hour drive away, thanks for asking) I can't very well justify a new Zune too. I need a second job maybe.


Nicki said...

Meh, by the pink iPod cover.

Groove said...

DRM is your friend I guess.

Vicky said...

There is a hot pink iPod Nano. You can be like me and have two iPods, although both of mine are white...