Sunday, June 24, 2007

Are you a woman or a black's smith?

Ugh Sunday. And worse a Sunday before a very boring, long meeting on Monday morning. Double Ugh!

Being that I feel obligated to provide all the details of my ever so thrilling life, here's my weekend in review.
One FABULOUS dinner party with excellent food ( Chez Jenn's was one hot place for good food and drink - BTW Chez Jenn's is my place)
Several cocktails produced one wicked headache on Saturday
Two full discs of The Office viewed and enjoyed.
8 loads of laundry.
6 Tylenol's to cut through the hang over head ache.
5 songs downloaded from iTunes.
3 Romantic comedies watched...again. (A knight's tale being one of those movies, thus the title of this blog. )
Unaccounted for hours watching Food TV.
One Spa party = half of a face lift.
Two coffee's.
4 hours prepping for aforementioned boring ass long meeting on Monday morning.
One sparkling clean apartment (visitors coming).
One well brushed, well fed, spoiled feline.

Did I mention the fantastic dinner party on Friday?

Friday I had another one of my famous dinner parties to out do all other dinner parties. For the first time in Wraspir history, and definitely for the first time at Chez Jenn's I fixed *just* enough food to not have enough left overs for the entire third world. A few slices of of steak was all that remained.

The menu was simple, and easy. Though after several drinks it could have been complicated, and the potatoes in my opinion were bad. But aside from that, the menu was:
Steak that was marinaded in Better Than A-1 Marinade
Garlic Mashed potatoes
Caprese Salad
Spicy stir fired green beans
As an appetizer: Baked coconut shrimp.
Mmmm, I'm hungry just thinking about it.

The drinks of which I speak were called a 51 Chevy. A conversation with a friend about Southern Comfort and how very few drinks call for Southern Comfort as the alcohol prompted this adventure. 51 Chevy is basically, pineapple juice, orange juice, southern comfort and grenadine. can't even taste the alcohol, which was my problem. I should know better. We ran out of southern comfort and so changed from a 51 Chevy to Mai Tai's - same ingredients, but with rum. MMM...rum.
Ohh...and the camera...its somewhere here in the puget sound area. It was shipped from Portland and is here somewhere. I waited most the day yesterday for it to be delivered. At one point the fedEx truck drove past and my heart skipped a beat. I'm pathetic I know. But I can't wait. In reality it's probably better it didn't get here yesterday because that would mean I'd be out today taking pictures and not cleaning and doing my work.


Nicki said...

I'm jealous I wasn't invited, and now I'm freaking STARVING looking at that plate of food.

Scribbler said...

Right. First, it's almost midnight and I'm sitting here waiting for a performance test to finish for Font-boy's project.

Second - Southern Comfort. Almost as undetectable as gold rum. With the same results.

Third - Knights Tale - enjoyable movie. I was quite confused when I hired this and Queen started playing at a joust - not historical then. Lol.

Finally - The Office - UK version, of a rebadged US remake?

ps- where is the camera?


Lesley said...

I agree with Freak! I would have totally come over. And I would have brought more Southern Comfort! ;) Glad you had a fun time.

The marinade sounds really good. I think I need to try that sometime.

Jenn from WA said...

Lesley and Freak - The next invite you'll be on. I can see if I can send some of the delish food, and I'll hope it makes it safely to your plates.

Oh and I've put that marinade on chicken too and its just as good.

Rabbit - First, Font Boy must be my compadre here.

Second - I concur about SC.
Third - Knight's Tale has the best music in it considering all that music wasn't around during that era - even considering how long Queen had been around.

Finally - Yes the US version of the Office. the UK version should be coming shortly so I can compare and contrast.

The camera is in Seattle...somewhere. It's at FedEx and they really need to put it in my apt...NOW.