Sunday, July 27, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

I am not sure if this is an issue anywhere else in the country, but here in an area where we have a high concentration of activists this question will cost you money in January. That's right! The Seattle city council is voting tomorrow whether to start charging .20 cents PER plastic bag in grocery stores. Now while I am a big believer of reusable bags, and happen to have two that I seem to never remember to bring with me, I'm not so sure that charging for plastic bags is the way to go. Seattle uses 360 million plastic bags a year in Seattle, and that is a frighteningly high number, but still. What about people on a fixed income, or lower income people. How is this going to affect them? Anyhow, we'll see what the Seattle city council says tomorrow, but be prepared to pay if you're in Seattle and want/need a plastic bag.

The other news story today that got me reminiscing about high school. Let me explain.

There's a week long school in Seattle for the summer that brings kids of all ethnic groups together to work through racism issues. The school teaches tolerance and understanding and helps educate these kids about how things were 35-40 years ago. How just being a different color could have put you in a concentration camp in Seattle. Part of their training is actually experiencing this. Some of their liberties are taken away and they have to learn to deal with it and understand the process of getting freedoms.

Well, back in my junior year of school. It was my first semester at TASIS. I still didn't know too many people and was still feeling a bit out of sorts about being at a boarding school so far away from home. My history instructor who looking back now may not have been playing with a full deck, was teaching us about the transport of slaves from Africa. In order for us to clearly understand the hardships these people suffered she pushed the couch from our room to the wall and left about 5 feet between the wall and the couch. She then ordered our class to "climb in". We had to all lay, sit, squish into this very confined area where you couldn't stretch out at all. So here are about 10 kids stuffed into this small spot and we sat there for - I think - most of the class. She added commentary too saying things like "imagine people getting sit all around you. Urinating, throwing up, relieving themselves in other ways. No food. No water. For an entire trip across an ocean." Yes, we got it. It was a very effective form of training and I will likely never forget it.

The weekend walking schedule is being slightly modified. Blueberry and I took off yesterday from Greenlake to a good friends house for an "all girls" brunch. A good friend of mine was in town and all us girls from former Geeksoft days got together with all their kids and got caught up. We walked back to Greenlake and around Greenlake. Stopping at Super Jock and Jills for new shoes! Yep, I got new shoes. The "kickass helper guy", who was not only H.O.T, but helpful. Two great tastes that taste great together. I tried on several types of shoes trying to find a pair that would help my sore balls of my foot. Ended up buying another pair of Brooks. I tried on a pink pair too and SOOOO wanted them to work right, but Asics and I don't get along. But they were very pink and very cool looking shoes. Just not for me. I bought these "blue" ones instead. If you look closely enough you can see pink...really. Trust me. I see pink.

Anyhow, here are the Geeksoft Girls. From left to right: Kara (the one responsible for me knowing and loving DMQ), Me - lookin' all tired but hydrated, Rumi - worked with me when I was a subsidiary liaison - the cute little girl is Reina - Rumi's 1 yr old, and finally Jules - responsible for me working at Geeksoft at all, as well as working with me as a subsidiary liaison too. Kara moved to Ellensburg some time ago and we rarely get to see her.

Today, Blueberry experienced a comedy of errors trying to get out the door to go walk 14 with a new team. Not only is it raining outside and the thought of walking 14 miles in rain really doesn't do it for me. Yes. Yes. I know if it rains during the 3 Day we'll have to walk - which I might add is easy for you to say sitting in your warm place all not wet for 6+ hours. Anyhow, Blueberry's alarm didn't go off so she called at 6AM (when she was supposed to be here) and said she was on her way in 10. I walked out to the car to sit and wait for her and managed to slip off the curb and went down on my knee. My cell phone ended up in a puddle so it's airing out (Maybe it won't work and I'll get to go buy the pink one I've been eye balling). We got in the car and drove to the freeway entrance only to decide to not walk in the rain. Turned around, went to Starbucks, and am sitting here writing a blog. We will go 5-10 later today when the sun comes out, or the rain stops. If not we may walk down to the theater and see Batman!

Okay, off to ice my knee.