Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yet Another Addiction, just what I needed

I think I might have some issues with getting my hands on new toys or technology and then not being able to stop playing with it.

I've been looking for a way to create a picture movie. One of the PhotoGods introduced me to Microsoft Photo Story (Free to download if you wish). And man is it easy. If you have Vista you get Microsoft Movie Maker and DVD Maker with Vista. You can use those to create a DVD of movies and copy them to give to friends and family you know are just dying to see your photos. Within days I created a half dozen or so "movies" of some of my favorite pictures. I haven't yet figured out how to post them to the blog without putting them on YouTube, but "watch this space" because I'm gonna.

NOW...as if that wasn't enough to keep me procrastinating from doing real work. THIS came into view. Scrapblog. It's a free online tool that let's you "scrapbook" digitally and publish these scrapbooks. So I had to play with it to see how easy it was. And in a matter of minutes I was able to create three very simple pages very quickly. AND if gives you directions to publishing it to your blog. So this is a test. For the next 30 seconds ....

It was a copy and paste and voila! I'm in trouble now though. I feel the "need" to go and scrapbook...digitally. This is bad. I'm not going to get ANYTHING done now!

And another shout out...

HOPPIN' HEATHER - YOU ROCK! It's rare that people surprise me, but you did. Thanks a million. And for the record, if you do bring fudge icecream to the finish line, you will be expected to hand it over.


Unknown said...

oh crap. that scrapblog thing is awesome. Now I'm going to become addicted too. Thanks a lot, Jenn. (sigh)