Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ohhh, thanks for asking...

Why yes, I did get a new cell phone. And yes, it's PINK! But you knew that just by reading that I got some new gadget - I mean all my other new gadgets have been pink, so why not a new phone.

No, my old phone was functioning fine. It did take a bath in a puddle, but the blasted thing survived. You see, I am a marketing departments favorite person. If you send me cool looking advertisements with words like "PINK" and "FREE" in it, then you've got me. Hook. Line. and Sinker. (What the hell is a sinker anyhow?). And so, this is the kickass new phone I bought.
Ain't it cute? The left image is when it's open and the right is when it's closed - for those of you who haven't seen a slide phone before...just in case there's a few of you reading this blog - ahem!

Anyhow, it's all touch screen, pink goodness. I spent about 45 minutes last night inputting contacts. Yes, I know they will move them over for me if I go to the store but I like doing them myself. I get to 1) clean them out and 2) get used to the phone. So if you hadn't called in a while, there's a chance you've been removed. A small chance, tiny really.

I was tagged by BeagleBabe sometime ago and did the meme the day of, but forgot to add without any further talk of pink.
I was tagged by BeagleBabe for this. I’ve not answered one of these for awhile, so here it goes.

1. What is your occupation right now?Project Goddess (aka Project Manager)

2. What color are your socks right now?Socks? I have sandals on so my socks would be au natural

3. What are you listening to right now? The hum of our servers and the annoying, droning voice of Mr. Wigglesworth

4. What was the last thing that you ate? Homemade Chex Mix - mmmmmm

5. Can you drive a stick shift?ah Hi, Mustang owner! Must. Have. Sticks.

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Ultra Cool PM from the UK

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? She’s awesome!

8. How old are you today? 39.77777754 years

9. What is your favorite sport to watch? College Football, followed closely by US Male Doubles volleyball

10. What is your favorite drink? Grande Vanilla Americano with extra room and/or Cosmopolitan

11. Favourite food?Just one? I’m a burger junky. I come by it naturally though – my mom is too

12. What is the last movie you watched? Little Mermaid (insert sheepish grin)

13. Favourite day of the year?My birthday! Except for maybe this year…the big 4.0 and all.

14. How do you vent anger? Out the trap!

15. What was your favourite toy as a child? I was a Barbie Girl. I had a ton of barbies. One of them I cut her hair and she became the “maid” to the other barbies.

16. What is your favourite season? Summer in Seattle

17. Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries! Though I prefer a cherry only on top of an ice cream sundae

18. Do you want your friends to add this meme to their blogs? Yes! Mom, Freak Magnet and Patron Saint

19. Who is the most likely to respond? Mom – if she can get Internet connection

20. Who is least likely to respond? oooo, that’s a hard one…

21. Living arrangements? Chez Jenn’s is a plethora of comfort covered in black cat hair.

22. When was the last time you cried? Freakin yesterday! See above story on Komen.

23. What is on the floor of your closet?Shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.

24. Who is the friend you have had the longest relationship with that you are sending this to? The MomUnit for 39.77777754 years

25. What did you do last night? See above story on Komen – oh and then I tweaked my back picking up my propane tank wrong.

26. What inspires you? Seeing people who are really passionate and a grande vanilla Americano! Or and a chocolate chip cookie on mile 7 and hot dogs on mile 10 or higher.

27. What are you most afraid of? BEES! They’re the devil’s spawn.

28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Pass the Cheese please. Though it depends on where I’m getting said burger.

29. Favourite dog breed? I’m a golden fan. Though brown and black standard poodles aren’t too bad either – especially Beau and Schuster.

30. Favourite day of the week? Friday’s!

31. How many states have you lived in? Oh good lord. Let me get out my abacus. Texas, New Mexico, New Jersey, North Dakota, Montana, California, and Washington - 7

31. Biggest Life lesson? Listen to my intuition. Going against my gut feeling has always led to the wrong decisions for me.


Nicki said...

A sinker is a small weight you tie to your line when fishing. It sinks the hook into the water so you can catch fish. Hook, line, and sinker - everything you need to snag something.

Will have my version up shortly.