Monday, April 10, 2006

The Done blog...

I'm done. I'm done with just about everything I am tired of doing.

I'm done being the social planner for some of my friends. I'm tired of always calling them to set up times and dates for us to meet. Wouldn't you think if they really wanted to see me they'd maybe take some time out of their lives, which are no less busy then mine, to pick up the phone and call? Either way. I'm done. I know I'll lose some friendships this way, but truth be told, I'll have more time to focus on the relationships that mean something. It just sickens me to think how much effort I put toward some friends and get really nothing in return. But from an obscene obligation of an "old" friendship, I feel the need to keep it up...but do they? Doubt it...and if actions are proof, then I'm in the right direction.

I'm done with the crush. He hasn't exactly showed he's interested. Nor has he responded to any of my emails - personal ones anyhow...but has responded to work related ones. So, I'm done. I just don't need to keep the bait in the water that just isn't going to make an effort, or want to make an effort, to produce anything. I'm tired of trying so hard. The person I end up with won't be this much work, I'm sure of it.

I'm done obsessing over whether I'm "good" enough to work here. Past years at my former company has messed with my confidence so much, that I find myself constantly wondering when they'll fire me here...surely they'll see that I'm not qualified. All the while I know I am...but now, I'm done. A new confidence has washed over me.


Al & Jo said...

Thank finally got fed up with the "Am I good enough?". OF COURSE you are, we all know it, you are the one that hadn't realized it yet! You go girl.

As for being done with the crush, as I have said before, it will happen when it is suppose to...not before. Stop trying so hard! Get you self back into shape, into YOU! Quit worrying about what everyone else thinks/wants, do what YOU WANT!

AND, for the last time, you are a very smart girl...that other place you worked was a piece of are more that qualified for the position you are in. Start portraying that you are qualified and get your self esteem back to where it is suppose to be! Come on...get moving!

Said like a true Mom, huh? Well, I mean this as not only a Mom, but your best friend as well! Love you kid!

PS, Dad agrees.

Ken La Salle said...

Right on! You go... no, wait, that saying has had it's day...

There are times in our lives when we just have to simplify - throw away all the bullshit - and it sounds like you have reached one of them. It's a tough decision to make so be proud of yourself for making it. Good for you!