Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The fridge, the PMI and Pookie the Wonder Cat learns to fly

I know you all have been waiting with baited breath to find out how the fridge ordeal turned out. Thankfully I did not have to witness TWO maintenance men and their cracks moving the mighty fridge. But alas, when I got home last night I noticed two things, well three really. One, there was DIRT everywhere in my entry way and kitchen...and I know it wasn't there earlier. TWO, all my beer was on the counter top. And three, I had a DIFFERENT fridge...let us be clear here...D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T...as in NOT NEW.

Noting that the beer was on the counter, I promptly put it back into the crispers (what? Don't you put your beer in the crisper?) Now, by providing me a new fridge, that means they had to take everything out of the one, which thankfully wasn't much considering I had to dump a lot just because the old one didn't work. But, all the food, condiments, milk, eggs, butter, etc ... ALL of it ended up on the same shelf. I should have taken a picture, but I was too dumbstruck to think cleary (no comments about my ability to think cleary in general). None put in the door or the egg tray or the butter tray...nope all of it on one shelf. I quickly summized it was because they were men. Surely a woman would have put the items BACK where they belong...Sorry guys. The freezer is a whole other story. The ice trays were left on the counter...so no ice. Which isn't too bad considering they weren't frozen to begin with. And everything was stacked, well tossed really, into the freezer...my chocolate chips are mingling with my crab and pork chops. All in all, I guess I'll stop complaining. I have a fridge that works and a freezer that works. I can now make Bolognese again and freeze it... mmmm...

Last night I got an opportunity to geek out at the PMI (Project Management Institute) monthly chapter meeting. I love Proj Mgmt stuff. I have several, and I mean several, books on the subject....many not quite read yet, but I have them in the event I do read again. Anyhow, the PMI has speakers come in monthly to discuss Proj Mgmt stuff. Its a room full of type A personalities, all project managers and a large amount of PMPs. I feel so in my element there. 80% are men, mostly Boeing I noticed, and let's say "older than me" so as to not offend mom, who's surely reading this. Last night was on estimating...a topic I am not overly confident about as it has to do with math - shudder shudder. As the instructor was discussing the formulas and ideas behind estimating, I got to thinking how much I had forgotten since taking the PMP test...and it hasn't even been a year. Better bone up on those topics again...thank god I have those books.

Pooking the Wonder Cat learns to fly.
Know anyone who wants a cat? I'm going to kill mine, and/or put him outside. (Of course anyone who knows me knows I adore my cat and wouldn't even fathom letting him THINK about going outside )...but unless he stops his latest tactic to get my attention, I am going to duct tape him to the wall. I got that idea from my friend Mike who's always full of creative ways to mangle a cat. (He's not a cat lover).

Let me set the scene. It's late, 11pm something - because I had to stay up and watch TWO episodes of Apprentice (which thankfully I got home in time from the PMI to watch the firing in the first episode). So I'm tired. The Donald and the PMI and the day in general just tuckered me out. I had turned on my heating blanket when I got home so the sheets would be nice and toasty when I jumped into bed (heaven on earth). And oh yah, I got new sheets with a higher thread count than 3 and OMG....I will never go back.

Anyhow, I'm slowing dozing off, just at that stage when your body settles in and you're drifting off...when what do I hear. CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK - A PAUSE - THEN CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK....

The cat has decided to walk the length of my vertical blinds. He pauses long enough after he hears me stir for me to think he's done walking the line. Then starts again. I figured I could out smart him and thought he'd bore of it soon enough. 10 minutes went by...CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK CLINK. Argh!

Flinging back the covers (and of course throwing them back into place so the heat doesn't escape while I'm out killing the cat), I march out to the living room...and of course he's no where to be found. Well, at least I can't see him (its dark, he's black, you do the math). So here I am standing in the middle of the living room pointing and shaking my finger, at what I don't know...telling "the cat" to stop it or I'm going to fry him up for breakfast. I pause, and I hear nothing. Oh sweet silence. As I walk away to go back to my room I hear...CLINK CLINK CLINK. Damn cat!


Ken La Salle said...

Two things:

You make bolognese, too?


I've heard that a thrown boot works wonders.

(You decide where those apply.)

Jenn from WA said...

Bolognese is one of God's gifts to the free world I think. I have this recipe I've been making for a couple of years now...it makes a TON of course...so freezing it means good eats for several weeks to follow. I bought a seal a meal just for my bolognese.

Al & Jo said...

You go Grand Kitty! Way to get under mom's skin at the right time. Just watch out...she may duct tape your feet to the floor! I have to say Mike's idea was very original and very MIKE! I had to laugh!

Nicki said...

When my cats aren't acting right, I spray a can of air at them. It freaks them out and stops whatever they're doing, and I don't have to worry about injuring them or cleaning up water.