Tuesday, April 18, 2006

FREE BEER - Snipers on the Roof - & Chinese Protestors

After the day from hell, I was in much need of some Sh*tKicking. So I met friend Shan (my new Sh*tKicker partner in crime) for dinner. Our plan was to gorge ourselves at Madam K's on their fantastic garlic saturated cuisine (knowing we wouldn't likely be kissing any men that night we figured it was safe). I got there before Shannon and went to get us a table. And there, on the door, was the most sadistic piece of paper I've ever seen. I stood -unable to move, in total denial, in front of the door of Madam K's....they were closed (and for no good reason I might add). I almost cried. Shannon would surely blow a gaskit because I had so hyped up the Macaroni & Cheese for weeks now. So after breaking the news to Shannon - whom I thought was going to lose it in Ballard over the loss of the macNcheese (Shan's a big MacNChees fan) - we headed to the Old Time Pub. They had Manny's on Tap so Shan was content. Four beers later - no not four each...two mannies for Shan and two Stella's for me - bellies full of bar food, we headed to the tractor tavern.

Once there, the promoter guy outside told us to go in for the FREE BEER. Shan and I looked at each other and said, "Free beer?" We almost stumbled over each other to get inside. Inside, we asked the ID checker chick and she confirmed it, FREE BEER. We knew this brewery from Montana was launching a new beer that night, but surely it wouldn't be free. To the bar we went...and sure enough... FREE BEER! How could the night get better? So we sat and drank FREE BEER for an hour or so. Party Pal Michael (not to be confused with my friend Mike - two different guys - two very different personality - unfortunately the same name) shows up well clad in his western wear after the first set and we all settled in for a second set of good down home country versions of Jounry, Steve Miller band, Johnny Cash and of course, Exile.

No floor issues this time, no embarrassing comments made, but Paul Jensen in Wranglers could quite possibly send a girl to her grave early. Man o Man...! Michael, Shannon and I literally closed the Tractor Tavern last night. We sat talking after the band had finished, packed up and were walking out the door. The bar tender was giving us subtle hints like turning off the lights and turning off the music...= )

Snipers on the Roof
Today the President of China is visiting Microsoft. The powers that be have been warning us all week about trouble with traffic and demonstrations and the extra security that would be around. Lucky me works across the street to the building the President will be visiting. As I pulled into work this morning (after1.5 hours on the road in traffic) there - on the roof of my building - snipers...7 of them.

Chinese Protestors
While trying to actually get onto campus we were surrounded by Chinese protestors. How do I know they were Chinese? Well, they looked Chinese and all their signs were in Chinese. Which got me to thinking...if they really want to make a statement, and are standing at the entrances of Microsoft - why not put their protest banners in ENGLISH...that way we can all know what their protesting.

Stay tuned - tomorrow I'll have pictures of the Sh*tKicker party last night