Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Busy Child

There are certain things about myself that when they happen, I know unequivocally that something is up.

For starters, if I'm not hungry then I'm likely sick.


If I haven't blogged in more than a day, I'm likely loving my job and too busy to even think of anything coherent to write about.

If I dream about work, then I know I'm in deep.

If I eat weird combinations of food, then I know I'm stressed (for example my dinner of champions tonight was Captain Crunch cereal and Diet Dr. Pepper. No the Diet DP wasn't ON the Captain Crunch...sheesh...I'm not that odd...yet) (and does Captain Crunch tear up anyone elses roof of their mouth?)

I knew this day would come in which all the leisure time of learning and taking my time to do things would end. And it has. Oh boy has it. I reached, officially, 100 emails in my inbox today. That may not seem like a big deal to most, but when you start a new job, your email consumption is way low. And I was waiting, rather hoping, that my email consumption would reach at least something in the vicinity of the rest of the team.

I've been handed a few projects suddenly, and am very glad to have them. Now the real learning can begin. Of course, now the real f*ck up's can now begin too. I've had little mini anxiety attacks related to my abilities to PM. I know that I can do it, and have done it. But there's a nagging little voice (maybe a separate personality for all I know) that keeps piping up and says, "What have you done? You can't do this. You have fooled everyone, and now they'll see you for who you are." Luckily the other Sassy Jenn usually kicks the Miss LackLuster in the butt and it all goes away with a trip to Starbucks.

Of course if you asked the PMDude that I work with, he'd probably laugh at my so called "busy-ness". He's slammed, and I'm so sure that'll be me in a few weeks/days/hours/minutes.

So if you don't hear from me as much as when I had nothing to do at work, its because I am working. Odd, isn't it? They want me to work. The hell.

That's British for Bye. I guess.


Nicki said...

I'm sure you do a smashing job.

And I'm totally with you on the Cap'n Crush tearing up your mouth.