Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Ahhh, what a combo! It's my sick food. Know what that means? Yep. I'm getting the ick. It's been rotating around at work, and just about everyone I know has had it / has it. The ick is most definitely set up home in my head/chest. Oh goody.

I tried having a conversation with the ick to see if it would perhaps wait until Feb 2 to come on. I mean two weeks isn't that much to ask is it?

I'm very behind in packing. I was planning on using this weekend to finish packing everything. Next week should be all about cleaning and no packing. Well except for the "last box" that gets packed. The last box contains coffee, coffee pot, cup, bed supplies, and bathroom necessities. Whatever you know you'll need for the first night and next morning. I've spent many nights looking for the items previously mentioned - so past experiences has taught me about this box.

The only other box that may need to be packed is the "what the hell do I do with this" box. That's the box of things you didn't know which box to put it in, and now you're desperate and it goes into whatever box is left.

As I pack my life up into cardboard boxes, I reminisce (did the song Reminiscing pop into your head? Or was that just me? Sing with me..."Friday night it was late, I was walking you home, we got down to the the gate, and I was dreaming of the night... Walking through the park and reminiscing) my previous moves. What good and what bad came with the each move. The fun in driving around the "new" area finding the short cuts, finding the local Starbucks, or finding the best sandwich place around. The hidden little secrets of a new city that are just waiting for me. Now granted in the last 15 years my moves have kept me in the general Seattle area, but none the less, each move has brought with it a new adventure. Sometimes as small as having a spare room now. Other times, has big as having a STARBUCKS RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET!! ahem.

And so, we're down to 9 days until the move, 7 commutes - 280 miles, but who's counting. The townhouse is coming together. It'll be close, but I think the carpet will be installed on time, and the cleaning complete before my first box gets put into place. I have been taking little trips to visit the new Chez Jenn's down to it during my lunch hour to drop off a few fragile items.

Alright then, I'm glad we had this little chat. I'm going to go stick a neti pot in my nostril and see what joy comes out. But you probably didn't need to know that.