Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well it winds through Chicago to LA....

The countdown is on. T minus 5 days. I'm not counting today since it's already, well, today.

Depeche Mode is helping me finish my packing today. Pookie happens to really like their version of Route do I. I'm about 90% done packing. Just the left over items in the kitchen that don't quite have homes yet, and a few odds and ends in the spare room. Otherwise, I'm in box heaven. I'm at 37 boxes right now and expect to crack my record of 41 without any problem.

Just found out the carpet will be installed on Tuesday next week, which gives us 2 days for the cleaners to get in there and clean just in time for the Great Move. I gave it my best worry - but it seems it will all work out just right. As if I had a doubt!

I'm in the middle of cleaning the oven too today. I've never in all my 40 years let a self cleaning oven, clean itself. It's always scared me just enough that I've just used Easy Off. Not this time. No Easy Off for me. I decided it was potentially too toxic and so we're going the natural - oven route. It's been going for an hour and man it's hot and stinky.

Okay, I need to get back to Depeche Mode and the kitchen packing. Toodles.