Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Part of the 40th Bday party was Jenn Trivia. I was shocked and stunned (not really) at who won. Blueberry wasn’t allowed to play – she knows too much. But Mr. Not So Newlyweds (formally mr. Stalemate formally Mr. Newlywed) won – he either pays attention, or can retain useless information better than anyone. I’m betting on the latter.

Anyhow, Jenn Trivia got me thinking about odd Jenn facts. I thought I’d make it a regular on the blog appearance, but then remembered I forget when I make things “regular”. So instead, you will get random useless odd facts whenever I think of them (and remember to post about them). Lucky!

Jenn Odd Fact # 467
Said to PM Dude today...

Jenn: “Did you ever see the “choppin brocahlee” skit on Saturday Night Live?”

PMDUDE: “Yes.”

Jenn: “Well, every time I eat broccoli I say “choppin brocahlee” in my head.”

Jenn Odd Fact #113
Whenever someone says Albuquerque I spell it in my head A.L.B.U.Q.U.E.R.Q.U.E. We lived in Albuquerque and it seems it was one of the first words I learned and learned how to spell.

Jenn Odd Fact #42
I can't wink both my eyes separately. It's a genetic flaw. I'm sure of it.


Ken La Salle said...

I love choppin brochaleeey, choppin brochaleeey... choppin... brochaleey...

Love it.

Eyes. Just hold one open while you close the other. Do that over and over until you learn which muscle works which eye. I taught myself how to raise and lower my eyebrows individually that way.

BTW, my verification word is - and I kid you now - "dying"... I'm just saying... spoooookey...