Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Were heading for venus and still we stand tall...

Sorry for the 80's reference in the title...wait, no I'm not. Two things about this song...at Quartz Hill the year I was rifle captain, this was the main song in our field show. Oddly enough, I still get glimpses of the routine. Wait, I totally just lied. It wasn't the Final Countdown, it was Only Time Could Tell, by Asia. What a dork! I blame the cold medicine.

The other thing about the Final Countdown,



time I say "final countdown" the song pops into my head. Which makes perfect sense, right? If you watched the video, what wicked hair right? He's got such body in his hair when he bounces up and down. Who didn't love the 80's hair bands?


Right, so the final countdown for the move is progressing at lightening speed. Suddenly I feel like I don't have enough time...for which I blame the cold. It's taking 10% as much effort to pack as it normally would because after I pack a box, I have to sit and rest. Stupid cold!

I'm also counting down the number of commutes I have left. I have 2.5 full commutes left - thanks for asking. That's 100 miles for you mathy types.

And with that, I think I'll actually get to work this morning. Though the brain isn't engaging properly. Not even coffee is helping. Which is always a bad sign.


Ken La Salle said...

Hey Jenn,

Nice new digs.

No, I don't mean your new place (though I'm sure that's very nice, too), I mean your new Blog Layout, of course!

Keep in mind, though, that you've used up all of your allotted change for the next three months. Save some for Obama.
