Monday, January 12, 2009

The trouble with moving….

I get no sleep. Every night I have good intentions to sleep. I do all the right things to prepare myself for sleep. I put on the PJs (which are most likely on the moment I walk in the door from work), brush the toofies, kick the cat, set the alarm, read a boring book, etc. Last night, I was pooped. Dead tired and ready for a nice long sleep (I was in bed by 8:30pm). At 11pm – still wide awake.

This weekend I spent a good amount of time in the new place helping to get it ready for move in. We painted, we moved stuff, we packed stuff, we threw stuff out, we moved more stuff, we cleaned, etc. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday worth of being in the condo. All the while I was dressing it with my eyes. Making visual mental notes so I could “think” about the move.

At home last night, I had all those visual mental notes slamming against my cerebrum trying desperately to form into some sort of sense. For example, cleaning the kitchen allowed me plenty of time to see the kitchen in all its glory. So last night, instead of sleeping, I planned the layout of where all my kitchen items would go. I moved items around in my head – arranging them to find the best configuration possible. When I think I finally have the perfect configuration, I remember another small detail and I have to start all over again.

This exercise was repeated for each room of the condo (it’s technically a townhouse, but condo is easier to type). The spare room: where to put the desk, where to put all the scrapbooking supplies, what about that corner, what should I put there…? And so on and so on.

By the time I fell asleep last night I think I had everything perfectly in place. Now if I could only remember.

Packing is going swimmingly. I'm 80% packed. Holding off packing the scrapbook supplies and the kitchen…although…there are several items in the kitchen I’m not likely to use so might as well pack them. The mover estimator guy is coming tonight to see how much crap he’ll be moving. Here’s hoping his estimate is decent.

In other very important news, I burned the last of the duraflame logs last night. The new place has a gas fireplace with a switch to flip it on. But here’s the funny part. The only reason I burned the last log last night was because I need to clean out the fireplace and didn’t want to waste a perfectly good duraflame. It’s a sickness. I know.


Al & Jo said...

Me thinks you have a Grandma Spaid gene!

Anonymous said...

Townhouse is too long, condo is easy to type. How about "Jendo" Jenn's+condo. I'm going to Jendo.... big party at Jendo...