Monday, March 13, 2006

And the Favorites are....

I know you've all been waiting with baited breath on the outcome of my Dudley night. I must admit it was a shockingly bad performance. Their first set really wasn't that great as they focused on slower not so exciting songs. Rather boring to me. Me, the girl who was in about 3 beers by the time the show started and who was ready to dance the night away. Instead, I found myself being lulled to sleep.

But never fear, the second set was a pleaser. Maybe the first set was foreplay, which if it was, then Dudley should stick to singing and not sex.

Anyway, I digress. The second set brought the top 5 -er 6 Fan Favorites. The boys of the band decided on 6 because they felt like it.

Here they are - now no chuckling or smirking...

#6 - Take a Letter Maria - RB Graves - I didn't realize I knew this song, but I found myself singing along.
#5 - Any way you want it - Journey: A rockin song that got the party started
#4 - I Was Made for Lovin' You - Kiss: The song I voted on over and over again. I have to admit Dudley does a bad version of Kiss.
#3 - I think I love You - Patridge Family Quote of the night from Shannon, "this is someone's favorite song?"
#2 - Hold me now - Thompson Twins - Not a favorite of mine
#1 - December 1963 - Four Seasons. You know this song, "Oh what night. Late December Nineteen Sixty Three, what a very special time for me. What a lady oh what a night."

All in all it was a fun night and I enjoyed myself, especially enjoyed the fact that the bars in Seattle are now smoke free. So I got to go out, and come home and NOT smell like an ashtray (apologies to all those smokers out there...but that stuff stinks).

The other great adventure of the weekend was purchasing an 8 drawer dresser from non other than Swedish Torture company, IKEA. Now, I love IKEA, don't get me wrong. In fact, my entire apartment is IKEA. But jeez, putting furniture together is a royal pain. Let me take you through the steps.

7:30 Friday night - Take off for 30 mile trek to KENT in hopes of avoiding traffic both on the freeway and at IKEA.
8:00 Arrive IKEA - I didn't drive the speed limit I admit
8:05 Park and wonder where the heck is the main entrance. They've done some remodeling since last time I was there...
8:15 Find entrance, cussing.
8:30 Locate said dresser and night stand in warehouse aisle.
8:31 dilemma - how to get heavy dresser boxes off the shelf by myself.
8:32 Decide against bodily harm and doing it myself. Locate worker bee.
8:34 Enter Jason - who might be 19 maybe and weighs all of 65 lbs.
8:36 Jason and I pull the TWO boxes for the dresser off the shelf and load the cart
8:40 Jason and I are still pulling two boxes off the shelf to load onto the cart
8:43 With a loud snap and pop (part of my back that apparently doesn't appreciate being used in this manner, we have the items loaded.
8:44 Realize Cart has it out for me and refuses to drive straight. It wasn't me, I swear.
8:50 Fork out the cash and roll unweilding cart 3 miles to parking garage.
8:55 Stand stunned at Explorer suddenly wondering how the hell I'm going to load this into the car myself
8:56 practice helpless woman look at the handsome man next to me.
8:57 Flipping off handsome man for not helping.
9:00 FINALLY decide to push unweilding cart to Pick up location at the OTHER end of the garage.
9:03 After walking 1/4 mile BACK to my truck, drive ALL the way back to loading dock...
9:05 Wait for assistance to help load this truck. Secretly wondering if a husband might not be as worthless as I thought.
9:10 Cranky sales girl helps me load items into the truck.
9:11 Drive off happily with furniture in tow.
9:55 Park Explorer and think, "How the hell am I going to get this furniture into the apt.
956 - 10:15 Unload boxes piece by painful piece. Who'da thunk an 8 drawer dresser would have so many flippin' parts.
10:16 Stupidly decide to put together night stand...
11:15 Fall into bed wondering how the hell I'll find the strength to put the dresser together.

Saturday AM
WAKE at 10AM - I never sleep in that late.
10:15 Coffee in hand, I browse the "directions". Which I admit I'll call directions lightly. Little useless drawings that you need a Masters Degree in Engineering to figure out.
10:30 Still "attempting" to understand directions.
Fast forward to 1:15PM - Still in PJs STILL trying to put flipping dresser together. All 8 drawers are done miraculously without having to take them apart and "re-read" instructions.
1:30 Begin big job of putting the frame of dresser together. Plugging along nicely until.... Dammit! Dammit ! Double Dammit! ONE piece is on backwards. ONE piece...
2:15 Realize one piece is on backwards, move back 3 spaces. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 dollars.
3:15 Finally figured out that TWO pieces were backwards, got them turned around and on the move now.
3:34 - Dresser almost done. Four pieces left. Only three shown in directions. Oh Crap! An extra piece of a dresser can't be good.
3:37 - Wonder if drinking this early is a bad thing.
4:00 Figure it all out. Dresser put together in Living room. Begin pushing 8 DRW DRESSER by myself into won't fit through the FLIPPIN door. You've got to be kidding me? 4:10 After several minutes of cussing like a sailor, brilliant thought pops into my mind for the first time in THREE days.
4:11 Push 8 DRW DRESSER up on end, push it through bedroom door
4:15 Cuss outloud because I neglected to move current furniture to make room for new dresser.
4:16 Pull new 8DRW DRESSER out of bedroom. Rearrange current furniture.
4:20 Push 8DRW DRESSER into bedroom, make if horizontal Fall onto the BED in puddle of tiredness.
4:30 Realize I still have to get ready for Dudley show tonight.
4:31 VOW to NEVER EVER buy IKEA Again.


Al & Jo said...

YOu know, I would have thought you were smarter than this! YOU NEEDED 2 MARGARITA'S AND MOM TO HELP YOU WITH THE DRESSER. REMEMBER THE BOOKCASE!

Jenn from WA said...

ARGHHH!!!! Don't remind me of the lopsided bookcase from hell...burp...