Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Jenn: 0 Refrigerator: 1

In the middle of the night Pookie and I were jolted awake by the sound that I can only describe as a motorcross in action. In my just-suddenly-awaken state, I stumble out to the living room to see what the hell that noise was. I no sooner stepped out in the living room and I was immediately transported to earlier that evening.

I need to take you back to earlier that evening. The night started off like most Monday nights. I was sitting down for a nice night of the Donald and Apprentice when I decided to have myself a glass of cranberry juice. (No alcohol this time, just juice. That was my first mistake). I grab my glass and head to the fridge. Popping open the door, pour my juice and return the bottle unharmed to the fridge. As I turn to leave my hand decides it no long wants to hold the glass of cranberry juice and releases it to free fall to the ground.

Now stay with me here. The glass hit the floor perfectly on the bottom and cranberry juice shot straight up into the air and covered anything in its path, which included me and the fridge. As I stood in the kitchen marveling at the mess 8 oz of cranberry juice can make, I begin to clean. As I'm wiping off the fridge I have to take the paper scraps with recipes and / or quotes off to clean them as well. One such scrap, not more than a 3X5 piece of purple (important to the rest of the story) cardstock (also important to the rest of the story) falls. And as if it has a specific purpose and knows exactly where to go, I watch it float effortlessly to the ground and under the fridge.

You with me so far? Thinking I'd get the paper later and I went on about my business. Water in hand - gave up on the juice - I sit and watch the Donald.

Approximately 15 minutes later, Pookie and I are startled by this commotion in the kitchen. The sound? Remember when you were a kid and you used to put a card in the spokes of your bike wheel so it would make that ratta-tat sound. Yah well, amplify that by 10 as a piece of purple cardstock stuck in a fan of a fridge. That would be the noise. Got that visual? Great.

Trying to think on my feet I grabbed the first thing that looked as if I could push it under the fridge and dislodge the paper....Pookie's cat toy, a long plastic stick with a feather on the end. No I didn't put the feather part in the fan....though amusing that would have been. The fridge is old and I couldn't exactly see the paper. All the fridge guts were hanging down and in the way. After getting the super power flashlight (and thanking mom and dad for buying batteries for it on the last trip), I started to study the muck and mess under the fridge to see where that fan/paper were. All the while the noise...man...stop the noise. The visual of this still cracks me up. I'm lying on the kitchen floor, cat toy in hand, flashlight in the other feverishly poking under the fridge trying to find the paper/fan combo. Nothing. Finally, I hit pay dirt....sorta.

The Mr. Cat toy met Mister Fan. Poke. Poke. Poke and the fan shuts off.

Proud of myself for my effort, I call the apartment complex to leave a message asking them to come in tomorrow and get the paper out of the fridge...Imagining fires and all.

1:24AM the motor cross starts again. Only this time the monster trucks are at the party. Pook and I are rattled awake by the deafening noise coming from the kitchen. I make my way to the fridge and just stare at it, willing it to stop. So me, Mister Cat Toy and Mister Flashlight saddle up to the fridge for another round of "STOP THAT NOISE". Then, as if an angel coming from heaven I see the purple paper. I poke to try to dislodge it, but am poking the fan, which stops the fan, and does ultimately hit the paper, but does nothing. To no avail, the paper stays lodged and the sound continues. The only success I had was moving the paper more into the jaws of the fan.

Admitting defeat, I do what any sane person at 2AM would do, I pull the fridge out and unplug it. Ahhh...the sound of silence. And thus ends the game:

Jenn: 0
Refrigerator: 1


Anonymous said...

I see that the "crush" made it to the shindig, and that on your list of attendees, the name was casually thrown in at a inconspicuous place. Sounds like you had a great time!

Al & Jo said...

Okay---I laughed so hard I think you are going to have to come down here and take care of me. I have the full visual of last night and I am still laughing. I seem to remember you on the floor with fly swatter in hand, looking under another fridge in Saudi for an olive that Josephine had swatted under the fridge and wanted. What is it with you and under refrigerators?????