Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dubai - Friend or Foe?

I just can't decide how to feel about Dubai potentially owning American ports. I can't decide, which is rare for me, which way I feel.

On the one hand, I think being against it based on the fact that Dubai has "Arabs" and therefore are bad or dangerous, is wrong and a bit racist. Not something I'm willing to admit might exist in me, even though rationally I know we all have some aspect of racism in us. That being said, I think "Arabs" in general is a bad thing to categorize as bad or dangerous. Just a few bad apples in the bunch, doesn't mean they are all bad. Because if we said that, we'd have to apply that logic to Americans - and we wouldn't want to do that. (Insert Timothy McVeigh)

On the other hand, I feel like...actually I don't think there is another hand. I think that the only hand there is, is about the controversy in my own thoughts regarding "Arabs" good or Arabs dangerous.

Having lived in Saudi I know a bit about Arabs. I am, by no means, an expert, but I never felt scared for my life, or worried of what may happen to me and my family. That was 20 years ago though (Holy crap that was TWENTY years ago!). Things have changed and not for the good. I am sure I wouldn't be comfortable there now, and not just because I'm a woman. But I don't think ALL Arabs are bad or evil or out to kill Americans. And because of that thought I struggle with the Dubai thing.

So my point is, I am still undecided which way to feel. I hesitate to say NO WAY just because its Dubai and thus Arabs - Dubai has always been a friend to the US. Yet a part of me quivers in fear of the idea that "Arabs" might have control over locations so important to the US economy. I just can't decide how to feel on this one.


Ken La Salle said...


Even if you ignore the fact that the UAE helped bankroll Al'Qaida and that two of the 9/11 hijackers came from there, and if you ignore the fact that this is making Shrub's family a new stack of money to add to their already immense wealth, and if you ignore the fact that it endangers US sovereignty... well, then I guess it is sounding like a good idea...

Jenn from WA said...

Luckily I don't have to decide...they decided for me. All done!