Thursday, March 16, 2006

And this too shall pass...

Ever had one of those days. I knew LAST night that today wasn't going to be a good one. Which makes me wonder if I created the "bad" day.

That aside, I was out late last night celebrating with the BCC Praticum classes (long story, but the BCC Practicum classes were doing their final projects for the BCC Proj Mgmt Association -BCC PMA - of which I am VP, so attended). We went to the Keg and I had all intentions of leaving early. But I was having too much fun. I knew when I left at the late hour that I'd be in trouble today...see being that I'm "older" now, I can't stay out until the wee late hours and expect to feel 100% the next day. Let's not discuss the three beers on an empty stomach.

Bright and early, well okay, not bright, but early I had a conf call with our Sales team. About 3.5 minutes into it I became the proverbial punching bag. And throw punches they did. By the time the call ended I am exhausted. Its not anything I did, or didn't do, but I hate it when people are unsatisfied with the way I'm doing/handling things. I'm a pleaser at heart...and I am constantly reminding myself that "This is business, not personal." I only wish I didn't feel like I had three black eyes and a headache the size of the Grand Canyon. Of course that might have something to do with the beers and no food.

Well, as Scarlet O'Hara said, "I shall never go hungry again." Oh wait, that's not right...

Okay, well then whoever said, "Tomorrow's another day..." That's the one I'm looking for.


Ken La Salle said...

Hey, you're how old and still doing keggers? 32? 33? (I can't remember - Vicky told me once, but...) You should be proud of yourself! Don't feel bad! Think of all the great memories you'll have one day of all the great keggers you went to! (No, not the hangovers. We forget the hangovers!)

Party on! Woooooo!!!!

Al & Jo said...

Some times you just have "one of those days." However, NEVER have "one of those weeks"...they last for a month. Especially after 3 beers and NO FOOD? ARE YOU CRAZY????

Jenn from WA said...

To answer Ken's questions, let me first start by saying, "I love you." If I were still the young age of 32 or 33 I MIGHT be able to handle it...but sadly, I'm 37...going on ... well...29.