Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Father's Day, Dad

Dad. Father. Friend.

I can think of a dozen of stories to write about my dad. And more importantly why I love him. Why, even though we disagree a lot, he is still the main man in my life. He taught me about ethics, honesty, integrity, and being one's self. I may not have turned out to be the person he thought, but I know, and have never questioned, that he's proud of me.

When mom and he married, I felt I was blessed to have an opportunity to have this man in my life. I did get to choose at least one of my parents. For Father's Day one year, I got my dad a cup that I, to this day, still feels it explains my relationship with him. It said, "Any man can be a father. But it takes a real man to be a daddy." And that, in a nut shell, is how I feel about him. We've grown apart just by the shear fact that we don't live under the same roof. And when I call, I generally talk to mom. But that never, ever means, I don't love him more today then I did the day he adopted me and took me in as his own. He jokes that he married mom so he could have me as his daughter.

When I was young, before being around your parents and showing affection was embarrassing, dad would frequently dance with me. The song? A song, that to this day I still get all teary eyed when I hear it. Some day he will dance with me at my wedding to this song. And if that never happens, I am glad I got to dance with him ever.

To you dad:
I don't believe in superstars,
Organic food and foreign cars.
I don't believe the price of gold;
The certainty of growing old.
That right is right and left is wrong,
That north and south can't get along.
That east is east and west is west.
And being first is always best.

But I believe in love.
I believe in babies.
I believe in Mom and Dad.
And I believe in you.

Well, I don't believe that heaven waits,
For only those who congregate.
I like to think of God as love:
He's down below,
He's up above.
He's watching people everywhere.
He knows who does and doesn't care
.And I'm an ordinary man,
Sometimes I wonder who I am.

But I believe in love.
I believe in music.
I believe in magic.
And I believe in you.

Well, I know with all my certainty,
What's going on with you and me, Is a good thing.
It's true, I believe in you.

I don't believe virginity,
Is as common as it used to be.
In working days and sleeping nights,
That black is black and white is white.
That Superman and Robin Hood,
Are still alive in Hollywood.
That gasoline's in short supply,
The rising cost of getting by.

But I believe in love.
I believe in old folks.
I believe in children.
I believe in you.
But I believe in love.
I believe in babies.
I believe in Mom and Dad.
And I believe in you.


Nicki said...

That's very sweet. It made me want to go call my dad, even though it's still kinda early.

Al & Jo said...

Outside of making me, Mom, made dad very proud. These are his words "The respect and love runs both ways. Using the song I Believe in You touched my heart. I love you and I know what you mean and you mean what you say. I love you Pup. Dad"