Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm Mister Heat Miser...

...I'm Mister Sun. I'm Mister Green Christmas, I'm Mister Hundred and one.

Yes kids, its HOT out there today. Seattle hit 95F today. Which anyone who knows this area is OUT OF THE QUESTION. Now, many of you probably think, "Come on. Buck up!" But keep in mind, because Seattle is not usually this hot (and sunny) that many of us don't have air conditioning....ugh. Me? Well I love the heat. And the best part is it's not humid. Thank god. Our heating trend will continue through the week...and likely be raining on the 4th of July. Go figure. They have a long standing theory here in the NW that summer doesn't start until July 5th...meaning it rains on July 4th.

And in other news....

The Great Yahoo Swami contacted me again today with another look into my future.

A potential romantic interest isn't what they appear. If someone else has some unconscious resistance, the appropriate response is not unrealistic optimism. Slow down and take a clear-eyed look at the situation.



Ken La Salle said...

It's saying that the heat ain't that great - we're dying down here in SoCal! And global warming sucks, so there!

... or maybe that's just my interpretation...

Nicki said...

I hate those people who say, "It's a dry heat". I can't stand the fact it feels like you're in an oven, and you can't sweat to get SOME break from the heat.

Stay cool.

Jenn from WA said...

What's great about Seattle now - some of the radio stations have started calling it North LA. = ) Our air quality sucks right now because of the "stagnant air". Its gross. I'm with you Freak, I'd rather the air be moving...but I'd prefer dry heat to humid heat any day.