Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hell Hath Frozen Over

Its been 7 days and I've not had a diet coke. Not one! I'm not exactly sure why either, that's the interesting part.

Diet coke and coffee are typically running through my veins. Which thankfully living in the Seattle area coffee is readily available. They'll know if you're not from around here if you don't include mega adjectives when ordering: "I'd like a grande skinny half caf half decaf sugar free vanilla latte light on the foam." Or if you order by saying a "large" coffee...we don't speak that language in these parts.

Diet coke and I go way back....WAY back. It's been my non alcoholic drink of choice for years. Not diet pepsi (ew - ick - gross), only diet coke. In fact, when in a restaurant I'll ask if they are a coke or pepsi house. If pepsi, I order an ice tea. If coke, I order a diet coke.

Now where was I going with this? Oh yes, the lack of diet coke in my blood stream.

I started a new "healthy" eating campaign two weeks ago (okay I joined Jenny Craig again...) and because of it I've been focusing on drinking water - which of course has my running to the potty all the time - but that's irrelevant. So somehow between joining JC and drinking water I've stopped drinking diet coke.

Working for Microsquish we get free pop. So naturally the diet coke is available AND we have ice (see the other side of the equation is I hate drinking diet coke straight from the can - so it has to be over ice. If I have to drink a pop from the can, ready for this, I choose diet pepsi. I don't know why. I don't make up these rules in my head. The committee does). I would generally have two diet cokes at work during the day and likely one when I got home ( more accurately I'd have a Black Cherry / Vanilla diet coke - the gods created that for me. Though Diet Coke with Lime follows close to that - though that one goes best with Rum.) But lately, I've had just water at work and water at home.

I'm not saying, at least I don't think so, that I'm disappointed about this. No, rather it's just a general recognition of something changing. Probably for the good, but I suspect it's temporary. Especially now that I've thought about it. Dammit!

Now here's an interesting tangent. I googled Diet Coke for an image and came up with Diet Coke with BACON!


Ken La Salle said...

Since you mention it, have you heard of the Coke "with Coffee" that they're developing. Some things just aren't meant to be!

Congrats on the JC, by the way. I know of at least two people who are rooting and sypathizing (me and the Vic). We're trying to get healthier too... doesn't that just suck?

Nicki said...

Kudos to you for the Jenny Craig and lack of diet coke! That takes mounds and mounds of will power. I'd offer you some of my own, but apparently, I don't have any.