Friday, June 30, 2006

Just enough time for a quicky...

I don't have much time today except to set your expectations clearly. Today is Friday. It's a beautiful day too. In fact, it's so beautiful I'm going to take a half of the day off. I lose money for doing that, but I don't care....I have bigger fish to fry. I have sun to soak up and I have the boys of summer to play with.

That's right kids. The Dudley Manlove Quartet are putting on a FREE show today at lunch time in downtown Seattle. The Biggest-Dudley-Fan-Ever can't miss this. To see the boys in DAYLIGHT...what the....? Oh god. I was telling a friend of mine yesterday that I finally get to see the boys in clothes. She just raised her right brow and said, "Really?" I wish.

Anyhow, so I'm meeting pal Erin downtown. We'll dance, sing, and take pictures with Dudley. THEN we're off to see The Devil Wears Prada. I'm not a girl who just goes to the movie. I hate how much they charge and I hate most the crap that's out there. BUT there are a few exceptions to this rule...Any Harry Potter movie for one ( a guilty pleasure of mine to be sure), of course any action movie that has Johnny Depp in it....aka Pirates. AND a movie of a book I read TWICE because I thought it was soooooooooo damn funny.

I'll post more tonight after my shenanigans.

PS. I did see the crush last night.


Ken La Salle said...

Let's see... you saw the crush last night... and you only had time for a quicky...

I'm just saying...

Jenn from WA said...

Yah Wishful thanking is more like it, but thanks for the vote of confidence.

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah, enough about boys. How was the movie?