Thursday, June 08, 2006

Catch a falling star...

This blog will be a status update. Its come to my attention that I've left a few things hanging lately. A few friends, who won't be mentioned, suggested that I follow up on a few stories as they are dying to hear how they've turned out. Let's start with the last thing first.

1. The Bangs
Okay, I might have exaggerated a wee bit in my earlier blog. While they do, in fact, look like a 5 year old who's mother got happy with the scissors. They are "hide-able". I have not received any snickers, guffaws, or "Oh My God what have you done?" comments in at least a day. And if I did receive such snickers and guffaws, I assure you they weren't because of my hair.

2. The Crush
Recently I've had more interaction with the crush then I ever thought possible. This pleases me. I like getting to know him. I'm still a bit baffled about why now is he talking to me more. But I won't question such fateful items. My pal Vicky suggested that he can smell that I'm out there online. That perhaps because I am not 100% focused on him and stalking him, that perhaps he can sense that and is therefore paying attention. Perhaps? Maybe? Either way, I like the way that sounds and am going to keep down current path.

3. Online Dating
What a bunch of crap! First I have to say that the rejection part of online dating, I thought, might, bother me. But now that I've had 20 "matches" (and I'll use that term loosely) and 13 of them have closed the match without even finding out more, I just figured it’s their loss. I do find it quite amusing that these men are closing a match by using the online comment of "I don't feel any chemistry here." Interesting. Through the internet you can feel chemistry? Through reading a persons profile you can "feel chemistry"? Okay. If they are that shallow and that closed minded, move along little doggies. [Perhaps its necessary to explain that eHarmony sets it up so that there is no actual communication between matches at first. They send you the match and you have the option of closing the match by sending a pre-canned response, of which there are a dozen or so. Or you can send the match a set of questions, also pre-canned, for the male match to respond to.] Yah, none of the matches have answered my questions. 13 have closed with the pre-canned "chemistry" comment and the rest are duds.

On a plus side, I did leave one match open because he's H-O-T! My officemate and I have checked out his photo frequently. He's WAY out of my league (no I'm not selling myself short. Sometimes you just know. It’s like he's Brad Pitt and I'm, well, I'm me. Yah outta my league).

4. Crankiness.
I am happy to report that my bout of cranky-it is, I think, is gone for now. I'd love to blame it on what everyone else blamed it on...PMS, but I knew that wasn't the issue. But I think for now its taken a temporary vacation and is gathering steam to rear its ugly head again. I'll be ready this time. No more surprise attacks. I'm wise to its game.

5. Great Yahoo Swami predictions
Remember my horror-scope I got from Yahoo. The one about my personal orchard of romance think that me joining the online thing was the 21st century way of "blossoming"? Recent horror-scopes have included such foresights like: Don't use a new brush and Don't be cranky.

Ta for now


Nicki said...

Did you ever stop to think your crush is talking to you because he finds you interesting, and perhaps has a crush in return?

Jenn from WA said...

FM - That's crazy talk. A guy, interested in me? Hmmm? Never actually crossed my mind. = ) A girl can hope though. I'll keep you posted, I'll be seeing him this weekend.