Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It’s happen! Finally, it’s happened!

I’ve been waiting, ever so patiently, for my first 3day story that I can carry with me for motivation. As if having a best friend who’s suffered through breast cancer wasn’t enough motivation. Or as if all the millions of women who have suffered, or will suffer isn’t enough. No, now I have even MORE motivation.

Her name: Unknown. Her spirit, remarkable, as is just about everyone I’ve met who’s had to deal with this.

Yesterday, I got home and decided to get my butt out there and walk. I mapped out a 5mile trek that would take me through a good part of the hood and get me back in time to head over to the Newlywed’s house for dinner (and planning of Blueberry’s 40th birthday party). Off I went. About 3.5 miles into it, the allergy attack from hell kicked in.

Sidebar: Allergies. Hate them. Last season I didn’t have a single sneeze, sniffle, or difficulty breathing. This season, it’s making itself up ten-fold. My goodness it sucks.

Now, back to the show.

Right, allergy attack. I sneezed SEVENTEEN times in a row. No lie. And anyone who’s lived with me know’s this happens during spring. It’s a ton of fun. By sneeze 10-ish, it hurts. Really really hurts. My eyes started watering and started to itch. I literally wanted to pull my eye balls out and scratch them. Ugh. This whole time, me with two kleenexs, couldn’t walk fast enough.

Then the clouds opened up. I’m a mile or so from the car. Rain pouring down, sneezing, and feeling like crap. Questioning why the hell I was doing this? Telling myself how stupid it was to have ever thought this was a good idea. And as soon as I get back to the car I’m calling the whole thing off, well, after I stop at Starbucks for some warm cuppa love.

Now, picture, if you will, that I’m a vision in pink. I have on my new pink – albeit soaking wet – fleece breast cancer vest and pink shoe laces in my spiffy new sneakers. Out of the corner of my eye I see two women sitting at a table near the door. I don’t really pay much attention to them as there are people in Starbucks usually sitting chatting.

As I’m standing waiting for the warm Americano to be served up, I feel a tap on my shoulder. There standing beside me is one of the women from the table. She has a pink baseball cap on covering her clearly balled head. She looks to be somewhere in her 30’s though it’s hard to tell. She says to me, “Are you a survivor?” I responded that no, I was training for the 3day/60 mile Breast Cancer walk. The smile that took over her face can be compared to nothing I’ve ever seen. She asked if she could give me a hug. As she did she said, “Thank you, I appreciate your effort.” Even typing this now my eyes get all misty.

I grabbed my Americano – doctored it up with cream and sugar – walked out to my car and just sat there. As I sat there I thought about how incredibly crappy and cranky I was when I went in. All things in perspective now I realized I didn’t really have anything to complain about by comparison. But I did have yet another reason to continue to train and fight to find a cure.

As for how I'm doing with regards to this adventure. I'm over my $1000 mark in fundraising - just $4000 left to go. And I'm just a measly 6 miles away from my first 100 training miles.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the 3-Day. Hold on to those feelings. Print them and carry them with you while training and on the walk. (As if we need them) they are the proof of goodness and the reason we walk. There are amazing people in our world.......continue to be one of them. Enjoy the jouney.


Ken La Salle said...

Congrats on coming along so far, Jenn. You're doing great!