Thursday, March 06, 2008

Make it Stop

What a horrific week/day. I can't really put my finger on it, but this week sucks.

I think I might be allergic to my laundry soap. My legs itch like crazy. I thought perhaps it was dry skin, and have been lotioning up, but that hasn't helped at all. I suppose I could be allergic to the lotion, but wouldn't my arms itch. Actually now that I think about it, my arms would itch if it were the laundry soap. Either way MAKE IT STOP!

Some of my projects aren't doing so well. It's a little of this and a little of that to be blamed. There seems to be way too much to do and my stress level is off the chart. (I wonder if stress makes one's legs itch) I do have PM skilz but man something isn't meshing right now. A multitude of things that have happened lately just has me bummin about work. I just get so tired of the crap sometimes. The lack of desire to even think, or god forbid act, about change frustrates me. A few ideas I've had (in conjunction with another who shall remain nameless) to improve our way of collecting data were dashed and made me feel rather stupid for even thinking I could make a difference or affect change.

Did I mention my legs itch?

Allergy season is starting. My eyes are all scratchy and itchy. Stupid Scotchbroom is starting to bloom. I hate that stuff. It looks all pretty and springy, but it stinks. Not literally, but in the allergy stinks.
I feel all out of sorts too. I have hermit tendencies and I like to spend time at home. I've not had any time at home really. Each night I've had something going and not getting home until late. I think I need my hermit time to feel all sorts of sorts. This weekend isn't looking too promising for hermit time either. Walking 0 - 10 miles on Saturday. I hope. Right now I really don't feel the motivation, but am sure over the next day or so I will find that motivational need. Oh I know what will do it. This video. Watch it! It'll put a lot into perspective.
Well I think I've whined long enough for one blog. I think I might go tuck myself into bed with the rest of my smut novel I have left to read.