Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ow Ow Ow Ow....Ahhhhhh

That was how my day went yesterday. Fine starting out the walk, at about 7 miles, the right ball of my foot started to ache. And hurt and ache. Those stupid shoes I was wearing hurt. That was that. Off to Jock and Jill we went. Well actually VikingGirl and I bagged out a bit earlier to hop in her car. She parked up the lake some and my foot hurt so I hopped in.

At Jock and Jill, John the super sales man helped us. This shop is a small mom and pop shop who's sales people don't work on commission. Blueberry bought her shoes there and I immediately felt that they would do us no wrong. So John the salesman spent an hour with myself and VikingGirl. I tried on 5 different pairs, wearing one shoe on the left foot and another on the right. Walking up the hill outside the store, switching the shoes, walking some more. Oddly the first pair I tried on was the pair I bought. Jock&Jill's gives a 10% discount because we are walking in the 3 Day. In two week's they'll be having an expo and they'll be selling things at 20% off. I plan on going back and buying another pair of shoes to have them ready for walking. I mean 20% off, you gotta take advantage of that. You just gotta!

BigBro walked with us yesterday and took us on quite a fun little trek. We met at Starbucks at Greenlake. From there we did one lap of Greenlake, then off track we went. We went up 65th to I think 15th to 45th and the Ave (not sure it was 15th). From there we went up 45th - stopping at Dick's burgers so VikingGirl and I could get a snack. MMMM Dick's Burgers. From there around the zoo and back down to Greenlake. According to BigBro's pedometer he had walked 15miles - but he started from his house and had 5 miles on us when we started at Starbucks. So we figured we waled 10 miles yesterday. My pedometer said 9, so I'm going with somewhere between 9-10 I walked. I'm sure I got the extra mile just from the trying on shoes and walking up the hill outside the store. Then walking to where we parked...I'm SURE it was 10 miles.

What was truly amazing about these new tennyrunners I bought is how much my foot hurt going into trying on shoes, and how little it hurt walking to my car. Going in I didn't think I'd be able to walk to the car and thought I might have to break down and let Blueberry go get the Stang (gulp). But once these new kickass shoes were on, my foot didn't hurt. In fact, I felt I could walk another lap of Greenlake.

Once I got home, I got the foot spa out of the management office - it had been delivered earlier in the week, but I couldn't get home in time to get it. But Oh. My. God. I am so glad I bought this thing. I put my hot water in, the salts that came with it and I sat here for 15 minutes soaking. Ahhhh, how good that felt.


Al & Jo said... make my feet hurt! Glad you got new shoes and the foot spa thingy! You keep up the walk.

Anonymous said...

How many times do you think the shoe guy has had his picture taken with customers?