Sunday, March 02, 2008

I Wear My Sunglasses....

during the day because the sun's so freaking bright. In fact, I've not been able to post because the computer screen and the sun create a heck of a glare. I think I got sunburned from the glare. No lie.

I was going to post yesterday but got too busy sitting in the sun. Then I came back in side to rest, cause it was a lot of work sitting outside in the sun. Once inside, I sat on the couch to type, but the glare from outside on the computer just wouldn't allow typing. So I went back outside.

Sitting on the deck, I was laying back soaking up the sun when a loud flutter sounding like a bee with wings of an eagle jolted me back to reality and just about scared the poo out of me, thinking it was a bee. Instead it was a nice little humming bird. Still, it could have been a bee with wings of an eagle.

Yesterday was the big family reunion. I've not known the Spaid side - the MomUnit's side) very well and sorta regret that. What a bunch of amazingly odd people. I know where I get it from now. I sat at the table last night with two uncles, and an aunt who all told stories on one another. I laughed until my sides hurt. Funny how one story told by three different perspectives can be so different.

From Left to right: Uncle Dick, Aunt Jean, the MomUnit and Uncle Bob.

Aunt Jean is one of my favoritest aunts. She's the one responsible for my scrapbooking addiction. I told her I'd send her my bill and she said she can't be responsible for such a large tab. She lives in Medford Oregon, so I could see her more than just once every 15 years. Uncle Dick now lives just below my parents during the winter. As long as I can remember he's been in Alaska. It's too cold for me to visit up there. Uncle Bob lives in Colorado and has for as long as I can remember. I vaguely recall as a child visiting them, but can't recall if it was in Colorado or if they visited us in California.

It saddens me a bit that we didn't get a chance to grow up with this family. Being part of the military we moved a lot and so rarely got to see family. We generally spent summers in California with the grandparents and so at least knew them.

I've been shocked at some of the trials and tribulations these aunts and uncles lived through. I've learned a lot about our family history, and am writing it down so it's captured somewhere. It surprises me that they are "normal" as they are. And that's all relative.

I walked just 3 miles yesterday because it was so flipping hot. And I found myself out of breath quicker. BigBro did warn me about the higher altitude, but that doesn't seem like I should have been that much out of breath. Still, it was nice to get out and walk.

Today we're having brunch with the whole fam damily and who knows after that. I might sit out in the sun again, oh who am I kidding, there's no might about it. I'm soaking up as much as I can. It'll be cooler today at 79. Yesterday it was 86 and that is a bit toasty.

Oh and on the plane on the way down here I actually sat in a window seat. I normally like the aisle so I can get up as much as I like. Every screaming child in Seattle was on this plane and I swear sitting next to me. Anyhow, we flew over the Grand Canyon. Gorgeous from the sky!