Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Fleas of the world...Unite!

Flea count since last post:
3 - all found on the cat. All dead now thanks to scolding hot water and soap.

Total flea bites:
10! All of them itch, mostly at the same time. I’m convinced they are intermingled so when the one of my foot starts to itch, it transmit the itching-ness to the one on my right knee, which then tells the one on the ankle on my other foot. It’s like the hip bone is connected to the ______ bone.

Discovery about fleas: 1
They are useless little creatures. Most things I despise I can find a logical reason for them existing. Bees for example. While I hate them, I realize they have an important role to play. Fleas? They have no redeeming quality and should therefore be made extinct. All those in favor? Oh and they can cause tapeworm. Oh goody.

I did find an interesting article on the web about creating a Flea Trap. It’s very elementary and it just might be my next course of action.

As I was combing the beast last night I did have a profound moment. An epiphery if you will (and if you’ve watched the Office you’ll know that Michael Scott calls an epiphany an epiphery.) Anyhow, I was thinking how trying to comb through the beast’s hair to get these little creeps is a lot like we go through when we turn inwards and try to work on some of our less than perfect traits.

I’m a very introspective person. I don’t always do anything about little gems I uncover, but I know they’re there and will deal with them as I need to. Scraping for fleas is the same thing. With each swipe of the comb, I uncover a little bugger that needs to be dealt with. Sometimes it hops off and back into the beast before the hot water bath, other times I am quick to deal with it.
With each swipe of my inner being I find little “traits” that need to be held under a hot water bath. Sometimes, okay most the time, they hop off and scurry back into the depths of my fur. Hiding. Waiting for the moment then can take a bite and remind me they exist.

Other times, I am able, or more accurately at a stable mental point of my life, to deal with the dreaded “trait” and move on. The dealing with the trait may leave a sore spot that requires some scratching, but ultimately it heals.

I cannot believe I just associated cleaning fleas with dealing with unsavory traits in myself. Wow. Maybe the flea medication is getting to my noggin’.


Al & Jo said...

Me thinks you have been sniffing the flea medicene!

Al & Jo said...

Wait...a better idea just ran across my brain. You can SHAVE the cat...then the flea's will have no where to hide. Of course you will have to put a sweater on the cat then to keep him cold and I seem to remember what happened the last time we put a sweater on a cat. Giggle, giggle.

Al & Jo said...

I meant, you would have to put a sweater on the cat to keep him from being cold...not cold, er, never mind, I think Schusters pain pills have gotten to me!