Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote, "Stink! Stank! Stunk!

They neither stinked. Nor stanked. Nor stunked. Yes, that's right kids, the Dudley Holiday show was last night. A BIG shout out to GalPal Shannon for bearing with me through another dudley show. (she's not a fan). She did keep calling the lead singer by me former crushes name. (She's the only one who made a connection that former crush kinda sorta looks like the lead singer of Dudley. Coincidence?)

Anyhow, the boys did not disappoint. They played all my favorite regulars, a few new ones, and of course all my favorite holiday songs.

One of my favorite movies, and therefore holiday song, is The Grinch (the Jim Cary version of the movie). I just love that song. Is that wrong to have the Grinch as your "favorite" holiday song? Does that say something about how I enjoy the holidays? Anyhow, I digress.

Last night I discovered I have VIDEO on my camera. Look out world. So here's my attempt at recording the guys. Now you all get to enjoy them. Yeah you. Mr. Jensen (aka the man of my dreams and the lead singer of Dudley) might have had a few drinks last night as he didn't exactly sing the song correctly. He mixed and matched the versus, which is what I enjoy, shows he's not perfect afterall.

You’re a mean one Mr Grinch
You’e a nasty wasty skunk
Your sould is full of unwashed socks
Your soul is full of gunk
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote, “Stink! Stank! Stunk!”

Oh no, you didn't think that was all I was going to give you now that I have video.

Second favorite Dudley song that they rarely sing.

And finally, GalPal Shannon helped me realize a goal this year. I set forth to go to every Dudley show this year. Not a stretch you say? Hah. Try finding someone to go with me to each show. THAT's the real goal. But as of last night I went to all their shows this year. Yeah me! I wonder what the boys would say if they knew they had such a fan as me.

There is one more show this year, the New Year's Eve show. I'll be sure to video more there, since now I can.

The opening band last night was yet another band that Mr. Dudley was in, Batum Schrag (pronounced BATE - Em Shrag). ( Sorry about the lack of linkedl link. Blogger Beta is being, um - particular again. They were good. I liked their sound a lot. Maybe I'll go see them this year.

And I'll leave you with this last video.


Nicki said...

I started singing "You're a Mean One," when my boss and I were having a discussion on money matters.

Anonymous said...

You can count me in for one of the shows.

Jenn from WA said...

Jackie - You got a deal.