Friday, December 01, 2006

Quote of the day:
"I feel like a schizophrenic when I listen to your iPod."

I know I can't possibly be the only person to have serveral different "types" of music on her iPod. Now, granted my range from Christian Rock, to Josh Grobin and back to some serious hard rock types of songs. I even have country and a little Disney on it. It's a sickness isn't it? I should consult my doctor for medication.


Nicki said...

omg!! I LISTEN TO DISNEY, TOO!! And just about every other type of music.

My boss's are ALWAYS stopping in my office, saying, "Is that ****?" And when I confirm, they just shake their heads, say, "You really DO like it all, don't you?"

The other day, my boss yelled out from his office, "ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE THEME SONG FROM SESAME STREET?!?" I said, "Yes, come and play, everything's a-okay."

You're my sister from a different mister!!