Friday, December 29, 2006

It's My Birthday! Gonna Party!

Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEeeeee!
Happy Birthday to me!

The first thing to greet me this morning was my trusted cat Pookie. I rolled over wondering to myself how is it I am 38. How did that happened? Why, just yesterday I was 25. Wasn't I? And the day before that I was just graduating from high school. My grandma told me that time will go faster as I get older and she was right. Darn her.

Okay, so back to Pookie...I was lying there thinking about my age, and I opened one eye. See if you make eye contact with the cat, you're dead meat. And I made eye contact. The first thing I hear is "Meow!" Which is cat for "Happy Birthday slave, I'm so glad you're awake. And since you're awake, why don't you get your lazy butt out of bed and FEED ME."

Then the phone rings, and its mom. Of course. And she sings to me, out of tune, but what do you expect? And then she asks me, "You know where you were 38 years ago?"

"Uhhuh," I reply, "I wasn't even out yet."

And so I'm off to Geeksoft (it only took 5 songs to get here this morning, that's ExCellent), my last day. I'm doing lunch with some girlfriends from here at Pomegranate (BTW, we're having Pomegranate Martini's for my second party tomorrow). Then one last stop at Geeksoft to hand in my badge ( I don't need no stinkin' badge). Then it's off to The Purple Cafe....I bought myself a tiara that says "Birthday Girl". I ain't afraid that I'm an attention whore.

And this from my friend Sarah in Lexington when she asked how old I was,
"Well, at least you aren't 48!"


Ken La Salle said...