Sunday, December 17, 2006

You wanna see my body?

Well, maybe not mine. But some one's. Cousin Sherrie and I went to see the Bodies Exhibit today. Man I tell ya, truly amazing. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, and wasn't exactly sure my stomach would be able to manage it, but ... wow.

The interesting part to me, aside from all the physiology, we'll get to that, I didn't see these bodies as human. I mean I know they were human, but they didn't seem like real people. There was such controversy surrounding this exhibit and it being "bodies" of people who may or may not have approved their bodies for science, I had to go and see it. They seemed very waxy and not "real" but they were. It was all very surreal to me.

Each room had a theme to it, and displayed the part of the body for that theme. For example, the reproduction room was all about, well, the reproductive organs. And yes, I actually learned something in that room. No comments please about me learning about reproductive organs...The way they sliced and spliced the body was absolutely fascinating. I can't even explain it. I can say that if you have an opportunity to see this, I highly recommend it. And it's not a gross in any way...there isn't any blood. Because I assure you had blood been involved I would not have seen it.

And speaking of things I learned, that apparently I missed in biology class, must have been hung over that day - or er ah - asleep or something. Anyhow....I learned that the colon is really the large intestine. And I learned why woman are smarter than men. A man's brain weighs 2 lbs and a woman's weighs 2.5lbs. See, we're smarter. Let's see, what else did I learn? Woman have more taste buds and there are 2,000 to 5,000 taste buds.

In other news, the winds have blown through. I checked the map of the US on Friday to see if the state of Washington was blown off the map. Several folks still don't have power now, Cousin Sherrie still doesn't and she only lives up the street.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to see it while it was in L.A. I really wanted to go, but it was always SOOOO crowded. If you know me you know I don't do crowds. Glad you had a good time. Are you going to share exactly what you learned about the reproductive organs? Hmmmmmm?

Ken La Salle said...

Keep in mind, Jenn, that there's more to intelligence than brain size. You (in general) have to use it.

(In case you're wondering, though, I have no doubt women are probably smarter - in general. Probably not by 25%... but some...)

Anonymous said...

You'd think with an extra half pound of brains you (collectively) wouldn't forget where your keys are so much. But I guess it's a necessary adaptation to remember so many birthdays, anniversaries, arguements, etc.



Jenn from WA said...

Laura - I'll share my new insight with you ONLY off line.

Ken - Agree. I know plenty of women who aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

Mike - I don't care what people say about funny!

Nicki said...

I don't know what I'll do with my body when I'm gone. I'm donating my organs (which, between the blindness and the alcohol abuse, most of them are useless), I want to be cremated, I wouldn't mind being used for science, I want to be frozen so I can be brought back to life...

Okay, the last one was a farce. I kinda do want to be shot into space, though.

Groove said...

LOL! On Mike's theme, forget about knowing where the keys are. Why is it women can remember that crappy thing their 'man' did 9 years ago in jest but NOT remember where the keys are?

Smarter? No comment :)