Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Let the games begin....

At long last, I am home. I made it. Though Alaska Airlines did all they could to try and stop me. Our plane landed, mercifully, early (there were about a dozen screaming kids on the plane...and you know how I love that). I made my way to baggage claim, stopping to pee as I don't dare go on the plane...that's just gross. Once at baggage claim, me and about a million other passengers waited for our bags. And waited. And waited. And waited. An HOUR later, the bags start to fall from the machine. And I waited. And I waited. And I waited. Why is my bag ALWAYS the last? It must be marked as "special" or something.

As much as I love going on vacation, and as much as I love Tucson, it's always nice to come home. Why is that?

The drive home was, well in a word, wet. Rain again, or rather still. I remind myself how beautiful spring is here and that's why we must have the down pours we have in the winter.

Pookie greeted me with a cold shoulder for all of a millisecond. Then I got the "why for" from him. And continued to get lip from him all night. Apparently, he doesn't like it when I'm gone. He glued himself to my side all night. If I got up to go do something, he followed - just to make sure I wasn't leaving again. This morning I had to bolt from the apartment just to keep him inside. Spoiled Cat.

Three more days on the job here at Geeksoft. I have a lot to do considering I've been procrastinating for several months now. So at least I'll be relatively busy these last days. Too bad I have work ethic - sorta - and feel I have to leave a job in good, organized, and document standing. And will leave no forwarding address or number.

This weekend will be filled to the brim with ye ol' celebration of that blessed day in which I was bestowed upon this world. Yes boys and girls, my day of birth approaches...rapidly too I must say. (Why when I was turning 11 it took forever for the birthday to arrive, and now it's here in a blink of an eye?) The agenda for the celebration is one that is full. Friday - which is the actual day of celebration - I'll be at Purple Cafe with my girls. All the women who have helped me make a difference in myself, and my life this year will be celebrating this day with me. These are the women in my life that remind me that life is an adventure, and that with their help, I should forge forward and live fully, developing my skills, my personality, and delving deep into the trenches of my mind to fight any demons that linger there. These are the girls I love and am so very glad they are in my life. (okay so realistically there are several other women who are that special in my life too, but they don't live in the Seattle they must celebrate from afar.)

Then Saturday, the party must go on. I'm hosting my birthday party for everyone else (boys included). See, if I host it I can drink, then fall into bed. Only to wake up on the 31st to scold myself for drinking too much. Then turn around and drink again on NYE. Oy vei.

I'm tired now.


Ken La Salle said...

Come down here and we'll have a party!

(Oh, but to do that... you'd have to leave...)

Nicki said...