Friday, December 08, 2006

Go! Speed Racer

The little pony I drive, aka the Mustang, hit several milestones yesterday. Some, I unwillingly admit with a sheepish grin, others, are just the facts.

First off, the Mustang, on the way home from a gathering with New Company Brits visiting from, you guessed it, the UK, hit an all time speed. 80 MPH. Why you ask? Well I had to out run the cops. Just kidding. Put your pants back on. In all seriousness, I didn't even realize I was going that fast. The road was dry and new ...just resurfaced and so it was smooth as a baby's butt, and fast apparently. I glanced down to set my cruise control when my eyes almost popped out of my head...I had no idea I was going that fast. Thank god for cruise control...

Secondly, we almost ran out of gas last night. Again, on my way home (oh and in case you're wondering, yes I had some win, but no there was no reason I shouldn't have been driving. New people in your life requires that you wait until the company Christmas party to get hammered and embarrass yourself.)... anyhow... the gas light came on. I was about 15 miles from my destination, so I was "sure" I'd make it. I read in my manual - yes I read the manual - that when the light goes on I have about 2 gallons left - roughly 17 miles give or take. And guess what, that calculation came to be a wee bit too close for my liking. I coasted into the gas station near my place in the hood (aka Lynnwood) and fed the beasty. 14.8 gallons is what it took. Um, just a few more hills, bumps, or curves and I'd be on the side of the road begging for gas.

Finally, we turned 5000K this morning. My mile count has leveled since the purchase of the car when I drove it 40 miles just because I could to go to some stupid store that had a location in my back yard...but why go 2 miles, when you can go 40 in a new car? Anyhoo....its time for the pony's first oil change. All together now..."Ahhhhh."


Nicki said...

You put 5000 miles on the sucker and only NOW got past 80? It was a marker for me when I hit 110! And I don't even have a sports car!! (Although it IS a "sporty" one) You gots to go driving wis ME, babe.

Vicky said...

80??? Are you kidding? That's slow down here in Cali...well at least when you're not driving in rush hour.

Jenn from WA said...

FM - See, Seattle has this real BIG issue called Traffic. So when I'm normally in the car, I'm in traffic. Which sucks.

Vicky - I think I need to move to California then.

Al & Jo said...

You just now got it up to 8)? Heck, with my blood in you I figured you had that done the first day! I do that going down my drive way....not!