Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I put the "Da" in DOH!

So tonight I started my long awaiting laundry. The pile of clothes has outgrown the hamper in which they are put when dirty. I did my first load with little to no issues. Opened the dryer, tossed in the dryer sheet and they were off.

An hour later the buzzer goes off. I decide to turn over a new leaf and *not* let the clothes sit in the dryer until morning. I open the dryer and no clothes. None. I somehow, on autopilot apparently, tossed in the dryer sheet and neglected to toss in the clothes.

I'm going to bed now. And have confirmed the clothes are tumbling themselves to done-ness...I'm sure the buzzer will go off and wake me from my deep sleep.


Nicki said...

omg. That had me rolling. I once tried to bake cornish game hens in a new toaster oven, and couldn't figure out why, 2 hours later, they weren't cooked. My dumbass never plugged it in. And I can't tell you how many times I've put food in the oven, only to forget to turn it off.

Al & Jo said...

I almost fell out of the chair laughing at this "Jenniferism" -- good one J!

Anandi said...

Nice :) Happy Birthday by the way!