Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Karma - Its a long shot

So, you've heard me, on a relatively regular basis, complain ever so slightly about my "friends" and their lack of interest in doing things with me. I know. I know. I know I shouldn't take it personally. I know they all have things going on...but still...I feel hurt. I feel like I'm playing second fiddle. And I don't even like the fiddle (unless Mr. DMQ is playing the fiddle while performing as the Sh*tKickers...then I like the fiddle and who's fiddlin' with it.)

And so I got to thinking that perhaps their lack of interest in me (no I'm not an egomaniac - I'm a realist and a Capricorn, therefore its all about me. And if you don't like it, leave this blog immediately. It is, afterall, MY blog) is karma. That perhaps they are either 1) reading this blog (which I doubt since I have a stat counter) or 2) just by posting something I therefore create the opportunity for that which I posted to come true. I am that powerful. Just ask Pookie.

I dare not post this next sentence for fear of creating said karma...but I like living on the edge, so I'm gonna do it. The "crush" is officially un-crushed. Yes, its true. I've demoted him to that status today. He deserves no more of my time and energy when I get nothing in return. Not even a simple email. Nothing. I know there are some of you out there that will tell me I'm jumping the gun. That perhaps if I chatted with him he'd come around. BS! I shouldn't have to ... there should be a 50/50 communication at least at the minimum level of friendship. And their ain't. And so I say "Au revoir. It was fun. But I must move on." (BTW -that's the chinese character for karma. It is to! Google told me. Though I don't recommend looking up "karma" as an image on google while at work...there were um - shall we say - "other" photos out there that should not come up on work computers. HEY! Where ya going? You can check those photos out AFTER you read MY blog. )

And while on the subject of moving on...I heard from Perfect Job company today. Now, don't go getting all excited...remember this is a post about karma...sort of...But apparently, they are internally challenged at the moment and must focus their energies internally and don't have the bandwidth to hire me at this moment. They would, however, like to consider hiring me in January when my contract is up.

So good news, no? I still have a job and I may have a job waiting for me. Though I'm not counting those chickens...they'll likely stray from the coup and then I've got nothing but chicken poo.

Don't ask. I'm making it up as I go along.


Nicki said...

A little kid once gave me a pendant of a chinese symbol as I was getting off the light rail. I asked the chinese food delivery man what it meant, and he said, "Money." The girl in the office turned around and said, "You could have been wearing something that said, 'f*** you'."

Who the hell wears a pendant that says Money? Besides me, when I don't know what it means.