Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Morning has broken, like the first mor-OR-neen...

For some reason when things start changing in my life, they do so at a rate at which even I can't keep up. When I'm down about not having any friends to hang with, or any new job, or any new love...suddenly, as if a wish being granted, things happen.

I'm a proponent of things happening for a reason. I'm convinced that we do write our own tale, and by writing we are given a glimpse into what our novel will be.

Case in point. I'm bored. I have a solid case of "Life Blahs". There's no denying it and there appeared to be no remedy. I have taken up permanent resident in Rut Road. I seem to have lopped off all my friends by being bitter and lonely and pissed toward their lack of interest in me. I know that sounds egotistical, I agree. But more to the point it was that I felt/feel that I was doing all the planning with said friends. That if I ever wanted to see them, that I had t make the effort. Frankly, that gets very old. Maybe it's wrong for me to want my friends to at least meet me half way. Either way, I've made a decision and now I have to be strong. Its like spring cleaning. Only its fall.

So now, the bored, rut like life has taken over. It effects almost every vein of my life and I swear it's snowballing. And yet, out of the blue....WHAM something new. Then WHAM, something else new...and suddenly I'm getting smacked repeatedly by things that are new and different.

First, Sur La Table class. Monday night I "assisted" the chef in a Sur La Table class. After sneaking through the store with blinders I found myself in the "test Kitchen". (had to sneak in so as to not buy anything) This GRAND kitchen with all the gadgets and pots and pans and tableware and knifes and .... oh boy. My heart skipped went pitter-pat. The Chef for the night also happens to be the Program Coordinator for the "assistants". She's a fabulous person and clearly demonstrated her knife abilities during class. Anyhow, I loved the entire adventure. I couldn't wait to get more. I couldn't have felt more at home. And to my astonishment, I was surprised how strong my knife skills were. She "tested" us if you will before class since we'd be helping the students. And she said that I was a talented cutter who appeared to have had years of experience. I assumed that was a compliment. Anyhow, I learned a few things that night about cutting, bleach and cold water (apparently hot water kills the bleach so you're not supposed to use hot water and bleach), certain types of cuts like chiffonade and brunoise. I knew what both were, I just didn't know what they were "officially" called. Bottom line: I had a blast. I was so very excited to share my skills with those who, quite frankly some didn't know which end of the knife to use. But in the end they could apply at Benny Hanahas... okay, maybe not. But still, I'm just sayin'.

Then comes the interview. I had a second interview for a company and position I would very much like to have. The cynic in me says to not get too excited, because you'll just get disappointed. But the Blissful Girl (who has apparently been on vacation) showed herself and helped me through the interview. The woman I met with is a sharp woman and very much the type of manager I would want to not only be one day, but definitely work for and learn from. The morning started by riding up in the elevator with a woman who commented on how beautiful my kate spade bag was. Now, any of you who know me and my purse addiction know that comments like that send me over the edge. I was giddy with excitement and thanked her and told her I bought it in NY, etc. 30 seconds. That's it. Once in the interview, the director came out and said, "Oh you do have a nice kate spade." Apparently the woman I road up in the elevator with was her assistant. She had told the director that she thought she road up with her interview and thought I was so friendly and outgoing. The director told me that and then said, it speaks volumes of the type of person you are if you are friendly to people you don't know. So message to the nice to people. You never know who they're connected to. Anyhow, the interview went well, and now its a wait and see game. But I felt really confident and good when I left. So that's a W in the column for me. YaY!

Then last night was my first "teaching" gig for the program overview. Which went very well, thanks for asking. Prior to that the director at BCC whom I work with asked me to meet her early she had a few things to discuss with me. Well, okay. As she and I were chatting she told me she'd like me to go to the BCC main campus to participate in some sort meeting and represent the Continued Ed PM Program by being a guest speaker once a quarter. Basically selling the program like I was doing in the PM overview classes. Hmm? Okay. I am flattered and SO VERY EXCITED. Of course I'd do it. Exposure! It's all about Exposure! I have no idea what I'll be discussing or talking about, but I didn't care. I was just so excited that she thought I was a valuable team player and thought I was a perfect voice of BCC Continued Ed. Another W for me. Yay!

Then today, out of the blue, friend Claudia (former instructor of mine and person with whom we are always missing each other) sends me an email and asks if I would be a guest lecturer in one of her classes in January. My first thought was, "OH BOY!" Then I stopped and thought at how odd it was that suddenly, I am being asked, albeit for relatively small insignificant events, to be a speaker. I suppose I shouldn't say "relatively insignificant" because it very well could be significant for someone in the class.

So here I am, trying desperately to move off of Rut Road, and doors are opening all around me. Fate? Destiny? A Sign of things to come? Don't know. And frankly, right now, I don't care. I'm living in the moment. Now, if only I could figure out how to open the Door of Relationships.


Anonymous said...

I've found that most doors tend to open when I get annoyed with everything and give up.

Either that or I wallow in misery for a week or two and eat gallons of ice cream and tons of Oreos. Then I suffer in the gym for a month or two to get my system back in balance. Then I get back to getting more and more annoyed every day.

Either way.


Al & Jo said...

Okay---you have wallowed long enough....when you were growing up you would go into a "funk" and I would allow it for a week or so before I made you SEE your self. You didn't like what you saw and changed it. You are changing your self again. Life is all about choices, you can choose to be down and glumy, or up and happy....take the up road! Besides, it is time you start walking through some of those doors that have been open...perhaps other doors will open.

By the way, I am using your computer to write this! :-)

Jenn from WA said...

Mike - When haven't you been annoyed? Its one of your redeeming qualities that I've always loved. = )

Mom - Yah yah...I hear ya. And don't break my computer

Nicki said...

A girl in class the other day had a Kate Spade purse, and I was wondering if she got it in New York.

You've totally warped me, woman.