Friday, October 13, 2006


Hi Uncle Johnny! I added mom's blog to the links.

My mom informed me today that my uncle reads my blog. To quote my mom, "After I first recovered from the shock of him calling in the first place, I had to recover from the second shock of him knowing how to even turn on a computer, much less finding your blog! He wants to know why the link to my blog is no longer on your blog. He said that was the only way he could find my blog."

Uncle Johnny...what memories I have of him. Uncle Johnny (well call him UJ - original, no?) is one of my mom's brothers. Please don't ask me to build a family tree, because I can't. UJ used to work for a nursery in Monrovia, CA. When my sister and I were kids mom and dad used to ship us off to live with mom's parents in Cali for the summer. We used to love those carefree days. Just sitting here thinking about it conjures up a smile. I can almost smell the dry California heat as it pounded off the payment. The smell of old grease on grandpa's hands after he'd been puttering on something in the garage, mixed with the smell of dirt of him puttering in a garden. Grandpa used to make me climb up the BIG avocado tree and knock avocados down for lunch.

But this isn't about grandpa. Its about UJ. So I'm not 100% what UJ did for work at this time, I was a kid, I don't care about those things. What I did care about was what he brought home with him late at night after work....

In N Out burgers. He'd bring home IN N Out almost every night. And he'd share that with my sister and I as we'd watch Three Stooges' reruns (woo woo woo - think curly). To this day, I can't watch a Three Stooges rerun and not think of UJ.

So welcome to my life UJ. Happy reading.


Al & Jo said...

OOOOOOOOOOO In n Out burgers............