Monday, October 23, 2006

Patience is a virtue...

...and so apparently I don't own or possess this virtue. I hate waiting...and I don't mean waiting for a latte or a table - though depending on the atmosphere I may be agitated a bit.

Side bar: For the record, I confuse the spelling of patient and patience all the time. Deal with it.

And I don't think I'm alone in this annoyance. I think most of us, if allowed, would prefer to know something immediately. I may be wrong her, but I'm not going to wait for you to respond.

I was the kid during Christmas who couldn't STAND to not know what was in the beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree...and of course I was the kid who counted and sized up the gifts. God forbid sister get one more, or bigger ones than me.

And so, here I sit, patiently waiting...okay - well maybe not so patiently - to hear from Perfect Job Op #1. Interviewed with them two weeks ago. LOVED the company, loved the hiring manager, loved the job (though it would challenge me greatly)...but...they dangled the carrot. The "we want our VP to interview the candidates" routine. The VP is due in this week and I'm sitting - waiting patiently - for the phone to ring to schedule said interview.

And if waiting for that isn't enough, oh no...I have to wait for Dudley to announce their top 100 worst songs list...weekly...waiting...patiently. And they're killing me. In past years, they weekly posted new lists. Counting down to the top 10 to be performed at their show. Their "show" is this coming Saturday, and they are only on #80. Come on! Show me the songs!

Apparently, also, waiting in a coffee line today has provided me much caffeine and so am perhaps, just a little, anxious and jittery. Perhaps, just a touch!

And in case you're bored...check these out.

Confidence: I'm Dangerous When I Know What I'm Doing

Winning: The Difference Between Winning And Whinning Is A Big Fat H

Belief: How Can Something Seem So Plausible At The Time And So Idiotic In Restrospect?

Dedication: This Isn't An Office, It's Hell With Fluorescent Lighting

Apology: OK, OK, I Take It Back. UnScrew You

Dismissed: You Are So Fired

Performance: You Are Depriving A Village Somewhere Of An Idiot

and my favorites

LoveYou Can't Force Love - Just Stalk Them Until They Give In

LustYour time is up. You have been waiting for the right time to go over to that person and plead with them to hump you like a beast possessed. Well that time is now. Right now. Now, now, now. There is no later. Only now.

Dedication: When the going gets tough, the tough get coffee.

Agreement: I'll try to be nicer, if you try to be smarter.

Substinence: Never argue with a cat when it comes to food. They are quicker, smarter, and have a lot more weaponry.


Ken La Salle said...

TRUTH. If work was so good the rich would have kept more of it for themselves.


Anonymous said...

There is also an "n" that makes winning different than whining. Unless I don't know what whinning is. But you'll always be a whinner in my book. I mean winner.

Nicki said...

I don't have patience. I joined a dating website, and ever since, I've been checking my email every half hour. And that's me exercising self control and not doing it every 30 seconds.