Tuesday, November 14, 2006

C - @ - L

Get it? Seattle ? I’m clever. But not as clever as the men and women in the tourist industry here in the great northwest. They’ve designed a new brand for Seattle and a new word.

Metronatural? The what, the who?

Pet Peeve #569 - the creation of new stupid words, or the misspelling of words to be "cute" - as in Kwik Stop.

So for some reason this dreary, wet, rain soaked, emerald city I live in feels the need to improve its image to get tourist to visit in the winter. Now, I ask you, tourist, why on EARTH would you choose to go some place guaranteed to be wet, grey, and about 45 degrees - maybe - when you can go some place warm and tropical? But the leaders of this fair city are doing all they can to drive tourism here during the winter. For those of us who live her year round, and have earned every inch of our webbed feet think "finally - I can walk around Seattle and not run into a tourist".

But all that aside, the state and now the city, really needs to work on its advertising campaigns. Perhaps you heard, the state of Washington's new campaign, "Say Wa?" [pronounced "say wahhh" As in Say what? though a clever use of the abbreviation for Washington - I'll give them that one] I hereby nominate this slogal the worst slogan every, AND the worst use of state dollars ($$ half a million dollars to come up with this).

Amused by this, I did a search on the tourism website and found this announcement / proclimation of Say Wa.

" The SayWA moment - When jaws drop, that's a SayWA moment. When you collapse in a field of freshly fallen snow, with the stars all around, and the sound of laughter travels a mile, that's another. The SayWA moment is the moment when an experience becomes emotional. In Washington State, these moments form a plentitude, a series of endless discoveries, and each will make you SayWA in a new and different way."

Um, yah, emotional! I'm getting something, but it ain't emotional.

The Say Wa campaign did get a lot of exposure when it was anounced, mostly in a joking fashion, but any exposure is good exposure right.

So I can't WAIT to hear what the fun loving, web-footed, rusty tan, folks of the great northwest have to say about their new city slogan. Seattle Metronatural.

Some other potential slogans.

1. 15 million slugs can't be wrong.

2. Seattle: Noah's home

3. Seattle: Bad weather, bad traffic.

4. Seattle: Land of the gooeyduck (this photo is a real photo of a gooeyduck...)


Lesley said...

Yikes! Gooeyduck!!!! And "Say Wa" is rather lame. I can't believe that's what they came up with!

My state hired some stupid PR company for big bucks to come up with a tourism slogan. I can't even remember what they came up with, since it was so bad and utterly forgettable. They should have had a contest -- I would have suggested "Welcome to New Jersey - You Got a Problem Widdat?" Heh.

I'm sorry your fair city is overrun with tourists, but I must admit that I *loved* my little Seattle vacation that I took the summer before last and when I dream of quitting my job and moving far, far away, Seattle is where I dream of moving to.

NYC gets overrun with tourists too, and they're usually those awful tourists who wear cat sweatshirts and big honkin' white sneakers as they (slowly!) walk in front of me when I'm in a hurry. Bleh!

Jenn from WA said...

Lesley: You have a standing invite to stay with me whenever you're in Seattle... = )

I was a tourist in NY...I didn't wear a Cats sweatshirt and white sneakers don't exist in my wardrobe. BUT...I was likely walking slow. Soo. Much. To. Take. In.

Ken La Salle said...

I stopped reading after the first couple of paragraphs because... I'm one of the idiots traveling up there! DAMMM!

Try MetroWETual

Al & Jo said...

What the H...? Metronatural???? What is that???? THe slogan should be : wet, wetter, wettest, visit Seattle and get rained on! ANd quit wasting the tax payers dollars!