Friday, November 10, 2006

Noah Called

Apparently Home Depot is having a sale on 2-by-4's. Just in time really. Noah and I are starting the lower level of the ark this afternoon. Chances of us finishing before Seattle is under to none...Seattle is already under water.

I started making a list of animals to NOT bring on the ark. No need.

1. Bees
2. Snakes
3. Icky boys
4. Sloths (or is it sloughs?)
5. Slugs


Anonymous said...

Is this were I say bees and slugs aren't animals? :) or will that get me kicked off the arc?

Jenn from WA said...

We had a vote, and we "might" let you stay...

And smarty did Bees and slugs still exist if they weren't part of the first ark? Huh? = )

Al & Jo said...

You can add flies to your list of irratating INSECTS not to bring on your ark. We have beautiful 80 degree and sunny weather..... :-)

Nicki said...

I thought all the rain and dreariness was part of Seattle's charm.

Jenn from WA said...

FM - It is part of the charm, but we have to say how bad it is, so outsiders don't wanna move here. = )