Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hey! You're not supposed to be here.

You're supposed to be out voting. Now get out there. Now! Vote! Its you're right. It's your privilege....don't scorn it. Your voice can make a difference. If you're not voting, you'd better have a good reason...and I mean good. Like a note from God good. Otherwise, I don't want to hear it.

The one bonus to today being election day: NO MORE POLITICAL COMMERCIALS. Thank the Lord! Seattle was ruthless this year with one major congress seat open as well as a Senate race. The mudslinging is bad this year too. Worse than I've ever seen it. I had half a mind to not vote for a candidate just because of the mud slinging. Negativity never gets anything accomplished.

Wait. What are you still doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out voting?


Ken La Salle said...

Don't worry! I'll be voting tonight with the Vic-ster.

Anonymous said...

We were getting between 7 to 10 political calls per day. I was keeping track with the vow that I wouldn't vote for someone who called my house. That didn't work, I wouldn't have had anyone I could vote for. So it ended the same as always, who do I dislike the least.

Jenn from WA said...

Laura - I didn't get a single call, but then again, I don't have a land line. Sherrie was telling me she has received at least 20 calls a day....bothersome if you ask me.

Vicky said...

In the aftermath, I will say that the phone calls can be important. Some Democrats across the country were receiving phone calls telling them to vote on Wednesday...Nice that is, and the reason they voted on Tuesday was because they received another phone call telling them to vote. It really doesn't surprise me. Here in Orange County, there were some Republican party members that changed the voter registrations they received from Democrat to Republican...the DA is investigating the problem. Very sad that it has gotten so deplorable.