Thursday, November 09, 2006

One down. Two to go.

Had the Boeing interview this afternoon. Despite my desire to work for the large aerospace company, I don't think this job was for me. Their interview structure was weird to say the least. On the one hand I see why they have to do it this way, but the other hand says I feel like a cow that's been in the middle of cattle call. (no comments about me being a cow please).

So last night was the networking dinner. I fought with my inner voices as to whether to attend. Generally speaking I hate those situations. I hate going into an environment where I know no one. So having this small fear, I thought why not take a chance to work on this fear. As it turned out it was crazy. 90% of the participants were fresh college grads or soon to be grads. Average age in the room = 23.

The networking dinner was really a big ol' hoorah for Boeing to convince the participants to go to work for Boeing. I see why Boeing has to do that these days. The market is better for job availability.

Today I drove my butt all the way back down to SeaTac to interview. I didn't actually interview with the hiring managers, at least I didn't get the feeling I was interviewing the hiring managers. There's a pool of these jobs available, and it sounds like they put those capable in the pool and pick and choose from there. So I could be working anywhere.

The company apparently has been burned by their interviewing practices in the past, so they are extremely structured and scripted. Yes. Scripted. The main interview guy told me up front that the interview would be scripted. There would be 6 questions already predefined and pre written.

So began the interview.

All the questions were, in my opinion, relatively easy considering the interview questions I've gone through of late. None of the questions asked "specific" issues about my past. All the questions were situational and I was then required to answer by first telling them the situation, then the process I went through to fix it and the result. Its hard when you've practiced your interview answers as story telling and then suddenly forced to break them up.

The bottom line is this. The job isn't for me. The job appears to be very routine and specific to just one aspect of project management. I want the full scale project management experience.

So, one down, two to go.


Al & Jo said...

Stay away from this are in for a big headache if you take this one. Believe me, I know from previous experience! RUN--RUN very fast. Boeing is a great company to work for, however, this job IS NOT for you. Remember, Mom knows best (sometimes).

Nicki said...

That sounds like it would be a crap job. Good on you for not taking it.