Monday, November 06, 2006

It's Raining...It's Pouring....Still

And it won't let up...ever.

Just to give some of you who aren't from Seattle an idea of how much rain is coming...I give you this photo. Snoqualmie Falls. This photo was taken in August and is what the falls normally look like. Beautiful, ain't it?

Now...let us look at what it's like today. I'd say we have some water coming over that there falls.

Snoqualmie is also a generator of power, which is good, considering the amount of water that's passing through it now, we shouldn't have an electricy shortage. The problem is that this water falls down into the Seattle area rivers. And therefore, causes massive floods. One of the rivers in the area was scheduled to crest last night at 17 FEET above its normal.

Gotta go. Need to get to Home Depot so I can start building the ark.


Ken La Salle said...


Snoqualmie is one of my favorite places in the Great Wet North. I've hiked down to the bottom during a particularly dry summer in the '90s. Nice to see it back to its old... um... falling...