Friday, November 22, 2013

Finally Friday...

Its finally Friday kids. Yipee!  I had a blissfully quiet weekend planned. And all that just changed with one ring of the phone.

The MomUnit has decided she can't sit in Tucson any longer and worry about a couple of her kids.  BigBro dealing with cancer issues and Portland Brother-In-Law going into brain surgery in the next couple of weeks...the MomUnit just couldn't sit so far away any longer.

The phone rang and all I heard was, "Pick me up at the airport tomorrow at 1:30pm." Ummm ok.  So now I need to figure out what, in the next couple of weeks, if anything, do I need to change and / or shift.  Thankfully, I purposely keep the holiday season low with commitments.  People tend to do too much during this season and they miss some of the actual season. 

It'll be good to have her up here for Turkey day. We've not had Thanksgiving together for several years.... and I mean several. So that will be good.

And if she feels better and more in control by being up here around family, then so be it. I wouldn't want it any other way. BigBro might not be happy that she's come up here because of him, but too bad. 

So stay tuned, this blog might get more interesting in the next couple of days.

Probably not, but one can wish right?