Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom

That's mom and me.  Aren't we cute? 
Today's Mom's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is, but suffice it to say she's still quite young.

This is Mom and her mom when her mom brought my mom home.  That was a few years ago. She's grown a bit since then. Grown into a great mom. A caring mom. A loving mom. The best mom.

If only we were that skinny now!  And wow...do we look alike?
I've discovered through the years that my friendship with my mother is something I should be very thankful for. I have so many friends that don't have relationships with their moms. And never really talk to their moms.  I couldn't imaging not talking to my mom every day or every other day. We're best friends.  She's who I turn to when I need advice and I'm who she turns to when she needs the same.  The older I get the more our advice has sounded the same.
So here's to you mom. Happy Birthday! Here's to another 66 years. (oops)